
I did, and I stand by my assertions: yes, receiving a terminal or intractable diagnosis is incredibly emotionally fraught, but it doesn't generally render someone incapable of making a reasoned decision if they were capable of doing so before the diagnosis. Implying that everyone who receives such a diagnosis isn't to

(Although it's not surprising, given that you apparently have trouble with being extraordinarily patronizing about humans who have emotions, and their ability to make decisions without your all-clear.)

Wow. Maybe dial back the bitch a little bit if you want people to engage meaningfully with your opinions?

On what are you basing that people who are suffering from terminal illness "often of unsound mind" or "not capable of processing treatment options"? My grandmother died, excruciatingly, of ovarian cancer. She was with it up until the moment it finally destroyed her. Maybe it's different from Huntington's, but assuming

Asperger's or not, I don't see how someone could "not mean it that way" when they write a long rant about how their coworkers are "bitches" (I'm sorry, "serious b-words").

Here, I can translate that evaluation for you:

If he has comparable problems dealing with men, why is the whole rant about women in particular rather than just tetchy coworkers? Or sensitive academics?

I read it. Looks like minorities (both PoC and sexual minorities) are more likely to EXPERIENCE street harassment, but it says nothing about perpetrators. That said, I love how you said "*MY* anecdotes are the only valid evidence because there's no real data", then someone posted that link at you, and now you're

I had a guy the other day be all like "Hai gurrl" at a bus stop, and in my brain I went OH GOD HERE WE GO. Then he complimented my scarf, said my outfit just looked really pulled together, wished me a nice weekend, and left me alone. It was a nice change.

You say this based on what, your long-term longitudinal data? Or just talking out of your ass based on living in slightly-lower-income parts of Chicago (how BADASS of you!)?

I live in a very diverse place, and I've been catcalled by more White guys than non-White guys. It's not a minority issue, it's a patriarchical entitlement issue.

And this is relevant to the article because ...?

Oh Jesus.

That is SUPER creepy.



You're, like, the third or fourth person on this thread to have some awful creepy near-miss with a serial killer. I personally think these are the creepiest, worst, scariest stories of all. Ugh. Glad you trusted your instincts!

Ugh. Abusive vengeful ghost ... seriously? Like he didn't get off enough on terrorizing and hurting people BEFORE he died??


Jesus that's creepy.