
Calling the translady a "he-she," "dude," "that guy," "him," etc isn't transphobic? Or focusing extensively on her genitals isn't transphobic? You don't have to be punching people to be a bigot.

I was assaulted in a hotel room containing two other awake people who, despite hearing me verbally say "No! Stop touching me! Leave me alone!" and watching me shove the guy away (twice), later said they "hadn't known the whole situation" and "didn't want to be awkward." So yeah. People sometimes ARE that paralyzed,

There was a Catfish episode about a straight man who had been "dating" a beautiful transwoman online for a couple of years. Every scene that didn't have the straight man in it was mostly Nev talking about how improbable it all was, how he was "clearly" a "secret gay" who wasn't being honest with himself, etc. He kept

Indeed. Because discussing sexual assault, risk assessment, and ways to address gender-based violence on the individual level while we work on the broader social implication is the exact same as a child's No Boys!!11 unicorn clubhouse. Thanks for mansplaining that one.

I travel a lot. On the one hand, I totally agree with you that this doesn't address any of the entrenched structural violence that makes women feel unsafe to begin with, and we really REALLY need to be working on that. On the other hand ... shit. I've had a number of genuinely terrifying (and I don't scare easily)

There will usually be at least 3-4 carrying big stacks of pamphlets full of "resources." They usually start with "You can raise your baby for free! People will help you!" and direct them to Crisis Pregnancy Centers, where help will begin and end with two boxes of diapers and a stack of expired Gerber coupons. True

I'm sorry your friend had that experience; that's terrible. I hope her future beaus are more understanding (and, shit, human). Hugs.

I suspect is arises from the belief by a lot of people, either overt or subconscious, that a woman's worth is derived from her ability to mother. She must remain pure until married so her children are legitimate, then care for and prepare herself in a way that is most conducive to a yielding a viable pregnancy. How

I've met anti-choice protestors (I clinic escorted in the American South for a long time) who believe that any intentional end to a pregnancy - including removing a non-viable fetus, including incomplete miscarriage, including ectopic pregnancy - is defying the will of God. Women should just accept whatever comes, and

Both prevent a woman carrying a pregnancy to term. The only difference is that in one there is no pregnancy, and in the second a pregnancy is ended. So ... yeah, they're kinda both birth control.

"Of course" it's immoral to use abortions as birth control? As opposed to the standard I-had-one-abortion-and-cried-a-whole-lot narrative? Why? Why is it immoral in either case? It's inadvisable, sure - abortions are expensive and carry some small (but tiny) medical risk. But 10 is no more immoral than 1, and


Fuck that. My sex life is incredibly beautiful, too, but I wouldn't want to see it on one of those 60-foot TV screens in Times Square because it's MINE. It's private because I said it's private. It's private because I want it to be intimate, and no one has the right to steal that from me just because they'd also

I'm a woman, and I would feel weird making eye contact with another human of any sort (man, woman, rejector of gender binary) if I were peeing. I'd feel awkward making eye contact with a *lover* if I were peeing. I think it's just one of those private vulnerable moments you don't want to invite others into.

Is your disgust going to help them seek treatment and live safely? Do you righteously withhold your compassion from schizophrenic homeless men because EW THEY SMELL?

Yeah, not in my neck of the woods. The jails are filled with kids (usually minority) who got caught holding. And generally, the treatment option for selling drugs is not putting people into inescapable poverty cycles that make the drug trade the only way to survive. But thanks for your Tea Party opinion.

The DSM-V does not discuss Freudian ego defense paradigms, and has not been sincerely psychodynamic in several iterations. BTW.

He may be a victim in his own right (we don't know), but a huge number of people are victimized sexually as children and comparatively few go on to be rapists themselves. It's really not an excuse.

Precisely. It becomes circular reasoning: he is guilty of white supremacist hate crimes because he googled white supremacist hate crimes so he could commit white supremacist hate crimes. Etc. The police shouldn't be allowed to look at someone's search history and let it be confirmatory of their hunches - it's a short

Worth it from a purely humanistic perspective? Of course. 10000%. Worth it if you're a soulless corporation who'd rather ignore the problem than risk a thundering fuckton of bad publicity if (well, when) it malfunctions one time on the worst possible day? Wellll ...