
Someone who worked for NASA once (totally unintentionally) left a child in the car and spent all his free time afterwards making exactly such a device. Didn't even patent the idea because he wanted it to be available to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. The auto industry doesn't want to implement it because a) there is a

Can I just point out that if most people (myself included) are arrested and our google search history examined, we're all probably going to look like horrible psychopaths? That alone probably isn't indicative of his guilt. I mean, he's almost certainly guilty. But not because he's googling around about "how to survive

A post that starts off with vomit-looking beetbaths and ends with a deconstruction of the politics of Eating While Fat.

It's worth remember that with every single instance of penetrative sex with a condom, there are untold number of potential sources of failure - it could slip off. It could be a faulty condom (a certain number of these exist in every batch; not by design, just by manufacturing error). You could catch it with a hangnail

Didn't realize it was the same poster. The non-factual query was unfair of me without seeing it (although god knows it stems from being a volunteer sexual health educator and reading enough "advice guides" full of bogus bull that I have an instinctual distrust until proven otherwise.) I stand by both things, though:

Yeah, that's not true. A woman is much more likely to die during or immediately following childbirth than she is fron an abortion. Much, MUCH more likely.

It's an interesting question. I do clinic defense at a Planned Parenthood in the South, and one of the first talking points they always try to use on women walking in alone is "free relationship counseling" - so the girl can get back with the baby's father instead of having one of those shameful out-of-wedlock

Can you please stop pimping your birth control guide? Unless it's an actual published thing with factual information, it's really just clogging up every single post.

You, m'lady, are a hero.

Yes, well, if I knew then what I know now ...

MOAR GIFTS. All of the gifts.

Don't forget the "lingerie shower" and the "honey shower" (like a co-ed bridal shower to provide gifts/cash for the honeymoon, so the men-folk don't feel left out.)

Last time I said "No" to an over-the-top week of bridesmaids expenses presented to by the MOH, it very nearly cost me *multiple* friendships - with other bridesmaids who thought I wasn't being supportive by being the one stick-in-the-mud, as well as with the bride herself, who felt she was in the untenable situation

So ... no one is allowed to provide counterpoint to your assertion, for any reason, because we're hypersensitive children? Or something? "LALALA YOUR ARGUMENT IS DUMB BECAUSE I ALREADY BELIEVE XYZ" is much more childish, methinks.

Cue trolls showing up to say that we shouldn't be "normalizing"/"encouraging" plus-sized women in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...