Zach Prichard

Yeah I have no dog in the race. I’m mostly a PC guy. But unless you are very specifically gaming or there’s a very niche software concern... I just would never recommend a PC laptop anymore. Their battery life sucks and the noise is unbearable. 

Yeah he also mentioned it on Armchair Expert. Him treating it like a mystery is obviously just him playing around and having a little fun.

I listened to him on Armchair Expert and WTF/Maron and man that guy is just a delight. Not at all what I expected.

He also has a podcast called Chinwag to discuss just weird shit

*reads article*

Wait... what now?

I was at a restaurant a week ago with my wife. 311 - a band neither of us listen to at all - came on the place’s speaker. My wife and I say “oh man, remember 311? Everybody used to listen to this song.” then go back to other conversation. Shortly after that, she looks at her facebook page and a sponsored click-bait-y

As far as I’m concerned “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” was the only correct option so glad they went that way!

The Return of The Artificial Scarcity

OLED and 240hz refresh rate. You’re going to get superior color and HDR performance from this that you’re not going to get with that tv.

no. please. stop. don’t go.

Kennedy isn’t binarily good or bad. She can both have had a stunning career *and* mishandled Star Wars since becoming president. I think she’s done wonderful things in the past but also played it too safe with Star Wars and has helped (but is not solely responsible for) to water down the franchise.

“At no additional cost.” Is odd wording because...of course there’s an additional cost to adding things to a bundle. It just becomes “the price.”

This just looks so unfortunately bland and has that too-clean-cheap-tv-show vibe. There’s no grit or texture... visually or narratively.

And dear god I know it’s from a video game but video game aesthetics brought 1:1 to real life just look so cheesy. (I’m also lookin’ at you Fallout Power Armor!). It all looks like

You have to login through the “Rabbit Hole” web portal and give it access to the apps.

Seems kinda pointless because anything I’m likely wanting to do (order an Uber, etc) is brain dead easy on the app/phone already and will likely have more granular access to data I want to see anyway.

This is such a nonsense word garbage post. Yeah no shit it’s not the only measure of something. “Value” doesn’t mean “is it cheap?” ... Value is the where the Venn Diagram of cost and entertainment gained cross. So the value of GP is that I’m using a super cheap console and cheap subscription price to play quite a lot

Regarding point “a.)“ I made it clear that I’m not talking about wake words but rather listening for information (to use in targeted advertising) that they *explicitly say they are not doing.*

Game Pass is amazing and people that try to shit talk it obviously are just sour grapes-ing. Seriously a Series S with GP is an absolutely steal of gaming value. 

Yeah that’s the reasoning I usually hear “actually you or your spouse probably searched for it”. I’m sure that might be the case sometimes, but we have gotten into the habit of - when getting recommended something very very specific that we were just talking about - asking each other if we searched for it etc and it’s

I mean of course, but that’s not what people are arguing. These companies always *explicitly* say they aren’t listening and using your ambient conversations (not talking about wake word queries) but that seems to not be the case. So people are like “please just say you’re doing it. We all know you’re doing it. But

I think it’s less than people know that obviously Alexa’s are listening and more concerned that:

a.) devices that aren’t supposed to be listening (Phones, etc) definitely are

b.) devices that may say they only listen for the wake word (Alexa’s) are in fact using other data they pickup and selling to advertisers.


Yeah this just does not look good to me. Like... something a young teen would be all over but it’s just so template-y/cookie cutter.

Precisely! Which means you aren't allowed to use it as your private roadway where you dictate the rules. Hope that helps!