Zach Prichard

This was my first thought “maybe it was just lost” seems like the easier explanation

It Follows is the best Horror movie in a long time. Just so weirdly out of time and with perfectly executed dread. So many horror movies just fall apart in the third act because the explanation is always just something dumb.

I’m guessing it’s a marathon of all the regular episodes with these two thrown in.

Anyway, “mini-sode” for a series whose regular episodes are 7-8 minutes long is a weird title.

But always up for more Bluey so it all comes out in the wash.

I’m going to also hedge my bets and say these are the same people that attempt to absolutely pay the lowest amount of taxes possible (or skirt them entirely).

It was never a standalone device. It was just a Bluetooth remote for your phone basically.

Seriously what was that nonsense line?? 

Yeah that seems like a weird feature that I cannot imagine getting used for anything OTHER than spying/creeping.

Ah well good thing so many are now installed at face height above the oven so you can sit there and stare at it while it cooks. eek.

I just got back from a Dumb & Dumber screening at Alamo yesterday and honestly I’m all for a constant stream of niche theatrical releases. It was so damn fun.

Reminds me of the recent meme that, paraphrasing, says “It’s funny how AI is finally here and IT’S creating all the art while the humans are doing the Amazon warehouse work... isn’t it supposed to be the other way around??”

Overall it doesn’t look quite on Andor’s level. The YA Disney Jr Jedis are a little too stylized for me, but it still looks interesting.

Carrie-Anne Moss fighting the assassins is an instant buy-in for me though. That sequence looks awesome.

Yeah this is me. Like, the absolutely bonkers level of production and creativity in the original (and the giant influence it’s had on... well everything sci-fi even to this day) is unmistakable. But 2049 is definitely a more enjoyable film to me. And that’s fine! It can’t exist without the world that BR made for it

Well if it’s any consolation, 2049 is better than the first and I’m really glad Scott - for as much as I love a lot of his work - didn’t do it. It needed a fresh visionary director on it and was better for it.

This stupid DEW conspiracy thing is so exhausting. I’m just so exhausted by humanity. How are we so goddamned stupid?

and for what it’s worth (as much as I hate Cruise’s scientology shit) the COVID yelling was absolutely warranted. At that time everything was hanging by a thread and a movie could get shut down in a heart beat leaving hundreds of people without an income. Everyone needed to follow those rules to a T and not doing it

I gotta say it’s nice to see a project get shifted UP to theatrical development for excitement rather than down to TV b/c they don’t feel it’s strong enough.

Double that excitement b/c Moana is the best modern Disney animated film (and my god is it pretty). Super excited for this.

Ok. I’m pretty sure this MUST be perpetrated by Michael Esposito aka Carl Bucho from The Wedding Scammer podcast right? This just has his signature scam all over it.

I’ll bet those kids NEVER get their refund. Just check out how big of a scam their website is:

Boy I am never the “I’ll never eat there again!” boycott type usually. But this would absolutely be a “don’t go there ever again” situation. And I had my debit card stolen by a Wendy’s employee who went on a spending spree before!

Jesus who the HELL ever thought this was a good idea should get straight up fired.

I think Beware looks like a cooler version of this vibe (without the car crafting though)

I mainly get my above the fold news from CNN.com and this has been reported on every day since it occurred. Above the fold. If you aren’t finding the information then you aren’t really looking? It didn’t take “digging” at all to check one of the biggest news sites.