Zach Prichard

I loved that phone.

Great! Not a game I’m likely to play but I’m glad it exists. I also hope every pathetic chode whose only identifying qualities are lamenting fabricated grievances, pining the loss of “the way things used to be”, and attacking the very existence (let alone representation) of historically marginalized demographics,

Now playing

remember no cgi is really just invisible cgi

You should note that while YouTube Music is $11/month, for $3 more you can get YouTube Premium which includes YT Music and enjoy ad-free YT as well.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the OP know this and was being subtle.

Yeah, as I said in my own post, I think that a lot of what Blade Runner did is so groundbreaking that it’s an absolute masterpiece, but in terms of telling a compelling story about characters with interesting emotional arcs, I think that 2049 is the better movie. The original gets by on vibes a lot.

I see the obsession for pocket knives comes from them

Someone might prefer Xbox-specific features like Quick Resume, the controller, free cloud saves, Play Anywhere, Smart Delivery, the UI, etc. MS also allows dev/pubs to sell keys outside of XBL/MS Store and you can pretty easily earn gift cards via MS Rewards, resulting in cheaper games.

I guess that makes this the eBay of Pigs invasion...

v. strong “we have MCU at home” vibes

You lost me at “I consider The Last Jedi the second-best Star Wars film”.

This is what Trump has wrought upon the world. Everyone complaining about the nanny state is alive and healthier because of it.

Car people are some of the biggest bitches you will ever find. 

Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?

Honestly, I thought about taking the time to adjust lighting on the pacifier, but instead decided to get the post out. Now I wish I’d taken another pass

Holy fuck Corie.

I know a face hugger when I see one!

I’ll bet money that the one alt Gwen Stacy they zeroed in on as being excited about is an actual trans Gwen Stacy.”

Was thinking this too. Let her be a black and trans Gwen (maybe she was born as Miles in her universe but transitioned?).

And then disable all comments on all websites across the entire internet.

Everyone uses pronouns.  You used six in your post just now.

surely both Barry Allens can defeat Zod”

I vote it should be “Barrys Allen”.