Zach Prichard

Happy Endings is one of the best comedies ever. 

Tim Allen being an absolute asshole on set isn’t new. This is less about this specific incident and more just about confirming what’s been known for decades. He’s *notorious* for this.

Counterpoint: it is, in fact, a boring slog.

It’s a great thought, but the ability to overcome panic and apply this in such an absolutely short amount of time is what would prevent most people from surviving. Life is a lot different than a “test.”

What’s arbitrary about it? Sure the GPS implementation would need work, but hell I’d even be good with just saying “no car can go faster than 80" and not trying to automate it with GPS.

What is this Nanny State nonsense? You are not entitled to drive as fast as you want and put other people in danger.

What is wrong with you people? Or is this just standard Jalopnik?

Ok they’ll stay out of your car when you stay off roads that governments pay for and causing wrecks that government funded responders have to go to.

Sound fair?

Speeders cause wrecks all the time. This isn’t a one driver issue.

The actual specific issue is people that “need” to go over 8o.

No it does not require AI. What??

Yeah AAF on there (among others) was instant “nope” for me

How am I supposed to do this when I’ve uninstalled the game?

I don’t think Americans in general think about *any* other state’s flag. Hell I’d argue most wouldn’t even know their OWN state flag!

I disagree. I rode in a friends brand new wrangler the other day and jesus christ what a knee twisting, cramped, uncomfortable mess. Not a single thing enjoyable about the experience. I was boggled that people pay for that.

If you can’t tell if it’s real or not then you gotta whole nuther thing comin’.

The thing (ha) is though... it doesn’t matter. Like, knowing it doesn’t open up any other part of the story. It’s just sort of an “....ok.” thing. Knowing it would be dumb.


Yeah as soon as I saw this article I said “SMR SMR!” Those should make nuclear power even more accessible hopefully.

gangs flash their brights at people and commit violence as part of gang initiation” thing that was going around the internet for a long time.”

Eh, Pratt’s thing had a little more meat on the bone. He and Faris did have a kid... who was born prematurely with brain bleeding. So fans (I take not stance either way) felt like specifically mentioning how your new wife was so amazing and gave you a healthy child was a slight against Faris.

Now, normally that would

I don’t know, I’d argue that *current* Twitter is proof it’s easy to post with significant brain damage.