Zach Prichard

Noooooo! Crime Show is great! A great true crime show in a sea of total same-ness.

Mike’s is ok but I have never been to a slower sandwich shop. Ever. They always have a tiny counter and one person manning it and they have to shave the meat EVERY. TIME. So it ends up like 5 minutes per sandwich and is just ridiculous. Even when I order online it’s always ready about 30-40 minutes past when they say

Really really enjoyed the book so looking forward to this!

I really loved the book. And I’m hoping with the guardrails of the book, Shyamalan will nail it. It’s a great story. Grim AF... but great.

I just moved from the Jackson Metro area after living there for over 40 years and trust me, the people that you and I both dislike are *not* the ones suffering from this crisis. All of the white flight has taken those folks to the suburbs where they are on a totally different water system.

Rings of Power guerilla advertising?

Why is anybody listening to what this Stapler has to say?

But... it wasn’t about Hillary. She did it as Hillary b/c that was the character she had been playing all season. But the moment, as cringe-worthy as people find it, was a (very accurate) “oh shit, we’re in dark dark times” moment.

Didn’t know this was a thing and just discovered Wonderputt Forever! Love it. (I just “finished” What the Golf? last night)

Rinse. Repeat.

I think it’s nothing to do with Braffe and is the more simple “she found the behavior offensive *and* it interfered with her being able to do her job.”

Now playing

The problem is that, in the current economic model, this isn’t possible. A company can’t stay still. If they are public, then number must always go up. That’s the biggest issue with growth-y models. You must always chase more users and more engagement. The second you announce a slow down or loss of users on your

Car Thing was great. I think people reallllly underestimate the amount of older cars on the road.

And hell, now that I have an Android Auto dash unit and sold off my Car Thing... I miss it. AA’s Spotify implementation is garbagio. The Car Thing worked perfectly and was way better to use.

I got an email for a half off

Honestly it’s so far in between viewings for me that none of that rings a bell. I mean it’s clear that some people didn’t pick up on it and maybe don’t put a spoiler in the headline?

Because it’s not that “Will is gay” that’s the spoiler, it’s that they have a carefully crafted reveal that was probably very well

No I’m with TSN here. “Weeks” is not a long time at all for a show to be out and lots of people don’t get to watch it immediately. And I’d argue that the queer storyline hasn’t been super apparent until this season.

There are ways to write the headline that would be obvious to people that know and invite them in to

It’s less the actual data and more the ability to be able to control the push of disruptive content into the eyeballs of impressionable young people. Like not “pranks” and shit but more about signal boosting content that is anti-west/capitalist/etc and seeding dissent.

I don’t know what’s actually happening (I’m not

Very interesting feature and I appreciate stepping out into different directions. For me personally, my phone is rarely lying face down anywhere to really see the glyphs do their thing. At least not consistently enough for me to think this will make my life better.

But I do love the overall design aesthetic and the

“The Finger of Idaho”

That PBR actually looks like just a knobby feature atop the rock *behind* the smoother one. The PBR and the rock behind the smoother rock share similarly angular features.

Thanks for this list of games to try!

Limbo was good, but Inside was g-damned legendary.