Zach Prichard

Looks like someone applied a sub-d modifier to No Man’s Sky

Swiss Army Man really took me by surprise. I watched it expecting a stupid (but the “fun” kind of stupid) time, and it’s really quite amazing and touching. Seriously, it’s legit fantastic.

Yeah I got this exact feeling. There were a few scenes where I could immediately tell “that was from L&M.” Definitely had some comedy - which is what I am guessing got them axed. Which really sucks.

I just don’t get this Obi-Wan Kenobi nonsense parroted by, mostly, closeted right wingers. Striking him down from Twitter and de-platforming him did *not* make him stronger. He is already the right wing messiah so what the hell is this “amplifying him among the right” BS? There’s no more amplification to be done among

Ruby Rhod was a streaming star before that was even a thing. 

Whenever I hear about someone complaining something was “unamerican” all I hear is “I wanted to do what I want and trample on the wishes of others... and somebody wouldn’t let me.”

Netflix’s entire value was its growth. That’s the reason it’s been “allowed” to be valued so much by Wall Street despite it’s increasing debt. Once that growth cracked, even a little bit, it became an instant warning sign that their one big metric for value (growth) was waning. People are taking it as an expected

Ok yeah this is just a troll at this point. You started off decent, but went too hard here.

Jeff Bezos chokes every small business he can out of business so that he can increase his coffers. All that cheap music? At the expense of the musicians trying to make a living.

All of that speedy delivery? At the expense of warehouse workers and drivers who struggle to make a living and work in cruel conditions.


Can’t see it behind the giant full screen/page ads. What the hell y’all?

I wouldn’t mind this in *theory* if the process wasn’t ridiculously convoluted. The way they have personal accounts and organizational accounts and the constant crossed wires that comes with this is infuriating. Especially in this world where you probably have a mixture of both depending on what employers in the past.

When the Accord attempts to use the end of the merge lane to pass, the Raptor intentionally speeds up to block his attempt to get back into the left lane after passing.

The Accord may be the main offender, but the Raptor driver *absolutely* engaged in making the situation even more dangerous by doing that. That’s far

An aesthetic *and* good storytelling/worldbuidling I would argue. I think the first was amazing for the genre defining look it built. I actually enjoyed the story in the second a lot better and felt it was overall more enjoyable.

So I’m excited to see where this goes!

You’re right. No movie is ever derivative of another movie. They are all absolutely original works and any attempt to use a past movie that they copied to describe it must be a trope.

Come on. Don’t be obtuse.

This has existed for a few years already in Adobe Audition and, no joke, it works so much better than I would have thought. I’d say I use it fairly often to great success. It’s not going to best a good audio team that can take more intelligent cuts, but it’s great in a pinch!

Toys is a totally surreal dreamy lullabye and is amazing and everyone hating on it sucks. Hope that helps!

Yeah I went to YouTube Premium (that includes YouTube Music Premium). Had a 3 month free trial and we do a *lot* of YouTube watching both personally and work (I’m a 3D guy so it’s tutorials tutorials tutorials all the time). So the ad free is amazing.

YTMusic works great with Android Auto in my car too.

Actually cancelled my Spotify account over this. I had been a paying member (family premium) since the beginning. Felt good to cancel.

I’ve used it across three connections, a fiber gigabit and two cable connections (200/20 and 400/20). It was basically flawless over all three.

I’m sorry your friend had some bad connection, but there’s nothing about Stadia that should struggle over that connection. It works over normal cable connections easily. So if

I knew since it was from Google it’d eventually be unsupported, but it *did* work fine. I don’t play fighting games or competitive online shooters, but there certainly wasn’t a delay when I played. Everything felt smooth and fluid like on a console. There wasn’t even a miniscule perceptive delay for me let alone a 3-4