
Well, then, here’s some stupid shit to make you quietly chuckle/roll your eyes at work until then...

As someone who has managed employees older than me, I appreciate being questioned if the decision I made doesn't make sense. Some of my employees have saved me on occasion.

Competent management wants to hire people that question things and bring in their experience and fortitude to say , “wait, no.”

Day 1 of a new college-aged hire: “Alright, your accounts are all set up, and I’ve forwarded the team meetings to you so just open Outlook and accept them so they’ll be on your calendar.”

“They made the decision, you execute the command.”

Went to my dad’s friend’s fiftieth birthday party. This guy has a garage full of old Mopar and GM stuff, not to mention two original Shelby Cobras, a De Tomaso Mangusta, an Ogle, and a Porsche 356. Pretty damned awesome collection if you ask me, you simply cannot not at least appreciate a collection like this let

pretty boring but well needed. i did a thing with my e28 tail lights to make them brighter and more reliable. they famous for problems. you can notice the difference

Richard Tipper in the film is the Man for Detailling. He does my Daytona twice a year.

I worked for a state. One lady in our office kept getting locked out of her work computer. they’d reset her PW constantly. Finally IT installed something and they were able to log what was going on when she got locked out. They traced the IP back to russia.

Front wheels are pushed far out and given lots of negative camber to help with quick direction changes - looks plenty functional for the intended purpose given the environment it will be driven in.

This is not for ‘stance’ but for function - so why hate?

A soup kitchen isn’t trying to make a profit. The PGA Tour, USGA and IOC (despite what they might tell you) is and they are doing it with unpaid labor that they call “volunteers.”

Man, I cannot wait to not volunteer when the games come back to Los Angeles! It’ll be just like that time in college when I said I was going to volunteer for the Peace Corps for a hot minute and just decided to have another beer instead. Good times...

There was a lot of concern about the provision for volunteers at the London 2012 Olympics too. They got food but no accommodation nor travel expenses. Considering how much money was thrown at the event generally it was a bloody disgrace that the people who made it work didn’t get a living allowance.

I volunteered at a few PGA Tour events a couple years ago and it was awesome — I was a walking scorer, walking inside the ropes with a group. In return for working for free, I got a firsthand view at how great golfers play from a vantage point I would have never had otherwise.

Our volunteers are invaluable, but we’ll continue to make billions and not pay them, we did give them a couple shirts and watches, but they only cost us $2 each. - IOC Executive

While IOC in making billions, it’s only right you should work for food. NOT!

Now playing

Eh, you win some, you lose some. I do agree that with certain models, you either have to love them and be patient, or just skip them completely. You bought shitty old BMW’s that were marketed as performance cars, and I’m sure that previous 5 owners drove them as such. All old cars break and need maintenance. My ‘90

I am thoroughly disappointed with this years selection of things. It is like a bad yard sale, except for a few deals.

I am thoroughly disappointed with this years selection of things. It is like a bad yard sale, except for a few deals.