
The S70B56 doesn’t have ITBs.

Yes, in the exact same way fire does something to a house’s structural integrity.

But this never happens. Stancing is totes safe for everyone.

So this was the first fight that either had ever been in, right? I mean, I’m not advocating violence by any means, but holy fuck. What was that shit? With no sarcasm intended whatsoever, I’ve seen playground fights that were better than this.

Every major automotive publication disagrees with you on it being a bad car...

Not sure who patient zero is in this case.

What do we say to the Lord of Death? Not today.

I saw the entire thing from across the street and the police were completely correct in their actions. The road had been closed at least a block or two north of where this took place. How he didn’t realize that something was a amiss is beyond me.

A lot.

I was in the Air Force at Nellis when that happened and we picked up the bodies. They were flying a line abreast loop and the lead pilot’s plane had a malfunction that forced him to complete the loop too close to the ground. Those 38s had really short wing spans that couldnt support the planes at that height. They

Sneaking a bear into a public venue, would indeed create some massive problems.

So wait, let me get this straight.

The disabled tag in the window is everything.

Gotta love those old Momos. I rebuilt an old 80s BMW to an Alpina and imported all of their genuine parts. Despite being so simple the build quality was amazing. That was trimmed in better leather than some of my jackets!

I get you Jason, you’re like me. If you have power, you want to use that power. I used to have a 230 hp saab turbo and I did many stupid things with it because it just had all the torque in the world AND IT WANTED YOU TO USE IT!!! And this was good fun until I got pulled over for 74 in a 55 in Virginia where I live.

Fun fact: This was not as has been reported filmed on a soundstage. Actually, it’s just a park in Portland Oregon during winter.