
Yes, how could a combined increase in immigration and wealth inequality possibly be coincidental?

Really? My 540iT auto with the M62 can barely keep traction off idle without summer rubber!

Pretty sure I saw a low speed, low altitude stall that was barely recovered.

Please get rid of that cargo basket. It looks silly.

Soooo...Mt St. Helens seems like it should be hot but is actually cold inside?

Different sizes of a similar shape is nothing new for BMW. I don’t know what the fuss is all about.

Settle down Pauly.

BMWs up until about ‘98 are very cheap to maintain compared to their Mercedes brethren. You spend only slightly more on parts for an e30/e36 than a Mk4 VW.

Expensive upkeep? They’re damn simple cars with fairly inexpensive parts. Were you paying someone to do the work?

A four thousand dollar pile of shit, no thank you. I love BMWs but this thing is a ten dollar hooker trying to pawn her services in the vip section for 400 bucks an hour, not gonna happen today.

Or my personal favorite, the ads that look like download buttons and stuff that are placed next to actually download buttons!

I highly doubt he emails like that. I read a book about Elon Musk and it talked about how Musk sent an angry email to all the employees at Space in 2010 about excessive usage of acronyms and how it makes reading something more challenging than it needs to be.

Someone please send him a copy of this book....

You could have been keeled!

That is usually what most people still mean. As in your device, computer, etc can never be fixed and is now like a brick.

How I long for the day when folks actually used “bricked” to mean it required a hardware repair, not a simple re-image.

It’s not. Probably veneered onto a lightweight substrate, but definitely not fake. And the interior is pretty up to date.

Oh you could already start to see the difference back in World War II. As this picture of the USS Wisconsin tied up to the USS Oklahoma demonstrates:

This is my favorite article of all time