You should have asked them why they are making a Cars 3 while they haven’t done an Incredibles 2!
You should have asked them why they are making a Cars 3 while they haven’t done an Incredibles 2!
James May is the Anti-fashion model. He makes everything he wears look worst.
Sean SPICER... He sounds like a furry...
This is what it’s like to elect a chimp.
Trump is not big on reading the fine print.
Trump’s going to take the whole GOP establishment down with him, and I can’t be happier.
The only consolation I have now is schadenfreude. Which, considering Trump, is going to be a lot.
Trump just found his new Education Secretary .
This is Japan using it’s soft power to get ahead in the world. The U.S. has dominated world culture for decades with our Hollywood exports. The Japanese want a piece of that game.
Being Ted Cruz’s running mate must be the second most thankless job in the world. Right after being his wife.
So, this is what the 1930's felt like.
This is a very early prototype used to test the aerodynamics of the aircraft. There are no stealth technologies on this airframe other than its vaguely “stealthy” shape. It lacks the structural materials, coatings, active radar and sensors, thermal masking, etc. It’s still to be seen if Japan can truly develop stealth…
This is Affleck crossing the T to make his own Batman.
The geek is strong with this one.
Not enough gold.
Billionaires spent $100 millions over 50 years to collect the biggest bunches of suckers and rubes (racists, televangelicals, gun nuts, secessionists) into a party base and Trump swoops in and steals all that work.
Chris Rock is doing the Lords work.
This kind of personality really belongs in the basement of the engineering department, not the White House.
Karl Rove is Jabba the Hutt’s uglier fraternal twin.
Because the GOP has been courting nuts and morons since the Southern Strategy.