
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - Because it will go with everything I may decide to eat

Yep, trigger warning. It also sometimes means Teen Wolf, but that's less common.

The underlying problem is misogyny but you can't remove Islam (or any religion that devalues women) from the discussion when it is being used as a tool to justify this kind of behavior.

Honestly though, I'm confused. What should I believe to not be a misogynist? Should women show cleavage and be objectified by men? Or should they show cleavage because they are free to do whatever they want with their bodies? It is misogyny when a woman uses her body in a sexual manner to attract viewers? Is it bad

When you say it aloud, James is one of those names that sounds a bit more girlish (guess it's the long A). That said, they're setting that little girl up for many, many hassles later in life.

Man, the "Dan Snyder is a Horse-Fucking Douche Ass" beat has to be one of the most depressing beats out there, albeit one with ever-fertile soil.

Nigerian Police = One police officer

"He shouldn't be doing that" brilliant commentary

Jesus, color me surprised that the comments are filled with people defending this shit. No problems here - just violent depictions of misogyny, rape, and hate...totally normal!

Can being an awful writer drive someone to murder? I feel that's what happened here.

I don't know what it says about me that "22 year old boyfriend" is the part that is sticking with me.

And don't forget what a disaster this ended up being for Tampa. They gave the Jets their #1, who the Jets turned into Sheldon Richardson. They paid Revis a ton of money one year for no good reason and had to let him go, effectively netting zero players and -$16 million in the bargain. And they're still so bad that

"Dude, she totally boned me!"
- that guy's lung, after being punctured

Men are terrible. I'm glad I'm a guy, because if I was a woman I'd never ever date. Ever. It blows my mind that any woman would want anything to do with us.

I'm not kidding, more people need to speak out about the injustices of flying coach.

Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham

We should congratulate the Daily News. It is hard goddamn work making yourself look more ridiculous and less sympathetic than A-Rod. Kudos on a job well done.

He's aiming to be the first pitcher to join the 300/300 club.

He might have only 8 followers, but they have the same amount of Super Bowl rings.. so there is that.

"Ok, the material is kinda scarce but I can work with it. Massage her thigh gently - I SAID GENTLY MOTHERFUCKER, WHAT IS SHE DOUGH??? - and leave a trail of butterfly kisses up her neck. Ugh that's more like creepy-crawlies, were you raised in a barn? Lady don't let him do all the work, move your hands up his back, NO