What the hell do you people want from Doom? People moaned when it was said it was too much like Call of Duty and less Doom. now it’s more Doom and people are moaning it looks too “brown” or “generic”
What the hell do you people want from Doom? People moaned when it was said it was too much like Call of Duty and less Doom. now it’s more Doom and people are moaning it looks too “brown” or “generic”
“One dude should change his name to “Weber” since I just grilled him so hard.”
Dude’s got a Dart parked in a vacant lot with plates that expired during the Clinton administration and I’m the eyesore.
Your neighbor is fat-shaming your car.
Completely inappropriate and unprofessional
But one when team gets 80+ games a year to practice on this field that plays differently compared to every other field in the league, they still end up with an advantage.
This isn’t 1993, asshole.
Honestly, I’m pretty shocked.
Manziel was reportedly working on his 12 step drop.
You can’t hold somebody accountable for what they said in mid December 2012. We all thought the world was gonna end in a week.
You know what's a real inconvenience? Lawsuits.
This would be a good subject for BCO. Crazy shit people have done for free food and it’s sister - crazier shit people have done for free booze. Sometimes at the CostCo I see them lined up for free samples like they are lining up behind the velvet rope for the VIP section at a night club. Dude, it is 0.5 ounces of cold…
I haven't seen this many upset Kentuckians since their state Board of Education ruled you couldn't buy your GED with possum skins
More like Sochi-cago, am I right?
1) Those states are all already using private prison companies or planning to. The private prison companies do not want to have to follow regulations, so like other large corporation, they buy up some politicians.
With all this Jay Mariotti buzz happening, it's a good reminder that he's a no-talent domestic abuser/predator.