
Tyrone Wheatley. I remember one season when he was with the the Raiders under Gruden, he ran for over a thousand yards. On two sprained ankles that were the size of softballs. Good God.

“...and ideal Nicholas Sparks film protagonist Tim Tebow...”

“Epic tweet. Epic.”

As a former Sonics fan, I agree with you. Plus it’s going to be really sweet to have Anthony Davis get a chance to spread his wings in the playoffs.

Michael Wilbon. It might be nice to have a rational, thoughtful discussion about the state of sports today over pints of Guinness.

Here is what your parents need to know about your marriage: if it is stable, and if both of you are happy. Beyond that, don't overshare and you damn sure don't overshare like he did the first time, and then follow it up with a Twitter-vomit. Ridiculous.

That’s what I love about the Internet; everyone is so fluent at the “measured response” aspect of human behavior. “I hope you burn alive.” Real good.

Kirk Gibson’s home run off Dennis Eckersley.

Really don't see how this is subtle racism. My wife is an accountant and she said the same thing.

Better to be stuck in the grays than kowtow to the Kinja groupthink.

Dad-a-chick? Dum-a-chum?

Once again, I agree with Bill Belichick. What is happening to me!

Boy, I miss Roger Ebert. He never had any problem deciding where to plant his feet, right or wrong. I admire that.

Great explanation, thank you! +1

Sierra Nevada Stout, Guinness Pub Draught and... oh, something light and breezy with a bit of a bite. Pabst Blue Ribbon in an ice-cold bottle sounds great to me. I think I could get by on that trio.

Took place my sophomore year of college. After I found she had sex with my roommate—twice—I called up my best friend in town and told him I needed to get drunk and spill the tale of woe to him. After five pints of beer or so on an empty stomach, I spilled my guts about what was happening. His response:

Sacramento, CA in August of 2003. Truthfully, the total bill was about $2,000, not including honeymoon (see below). We had about 30 guests, rented a local Grange Hall for the ceremony/reception, had our aspiring chef roommate be in charge of the food—which turned out well—had the flowers donated from one of the guests

Glad to see that the concept of a "measured response" isn't just something that American culture has completely lost the handle on, too.

My favorite anything on this site actually won for once? And it was my favorite stout beer? Better buy a lotto ticket tonight!

Is it just me, or does Ghareeb sound like a Juggalo?