
This also happened:

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

The best interview ever the end everyone stop interviewing people from now on.

Just tried Lunch for the first time last week. So. Damn. Good.

Thanks for the kind words. Affordability and availability are the big things that we sometimes overlook. The list I poked fun at was based on some aggregation of Beer Advocate scores, which is a fine methodology but it completely disregards price, consistency, and availability. Maine Beer Company, which I love, was

I love this article. Sierra Nevada is excellent, excellent beer. It's affordable, it's available, and it was my first "craft" beer. I'm happy to see it on Drunkspin. I'm happier still that I can buy it in Stewart's Shops across the Capital Region of upstate NY.

I'd point you to GiGi Buffon and Tim Howard as examples. Guys who are in their mid to late 30's and still performing. Keepers tend to peak much later than other positions, it seems.

I would KILL to have a brewery accountant explain pricing to me. I trust that it's not arbitrary, but I'd still love to know more about how they reach the numbers they do, how much actual production costs are used as guidelines versus what they think the market will bear. I mean, totally fair either way, but it's all

the only thing for us to do now is to eat shit