
What kinds of pickup sports does everyone play (if you play)? I play basketball, indoor soccer, and hockey when I can. I am in the process of destroying my hip. It’s still too fun to quit!

Yeah! It’s amazing, but super hard to get. Luckily, Founders distributes where I live, NY, and getting my hands on Breakfast Stout is easy.

What beer or other alcoholic beverage are you all consuming this weekend? Founder’s Breakfast Stout for me.

Duly noted!

I had some Ayinger’s recently and thought that was very good. Am delighted to hear the Jack’s Abby is the best - I’ll have to give that a shot. My wife is a fan of the style as super-hopped bears are not to her taste, so it will be fun to explore a few of these!

Thank you for writing this, Greg. I think it is true and good.

I’ll have to try this! I live in the Capital Region of upstate NY, so many Massachusetts beers are, happily, within reach. By minor providence and a good recommendation from a friend, I have made my way to Armsby Abbey in Worchester a couple times. Man, that place is amazing. That is really all I have seen of

This a fun, cool and good idea! I only voted for one team, Buffalo, because a coworker’s son is verbally committed there, but am interested to see how this shakes out.

Fuck the Deer (owners). Walker is a terrifying politician.

I was a relative latecomer to drinking (non-evangelical drug-free/sXe) so I had quite an excellent experience with this beer when I studied abroad in Paris and we took a trip to Brussels. I had two (?) and man, I was feeling it thanks to my extremely low tolerance. I’ve always had a fondness for that beer as a result

A diy way to do would be with an embedded google map with pins and such, but if the art department would be up for making a pretty map, that would be super cool.

I know this is creating work for you and the Deadspin/Gawker staff- but it would be really neat to have a Drunkspin Map of the country so we could see where all the beer you have reviewed is located. Thanks to your writing, I’ve sought out and tried some really great beer (thinking of Bell’s Two Hearted, among others,

This reminds me of the worst kissing experience I ever had. It was in college (surprise) and I was making out with this woman post-movie watching and she kept gently biting my tongue. The first two times it happened, I thought it was an accident. When it happened twice more, I thought, “Oh no...” I had to say

I appreciate this way of looking at the NCAA. It's tough for there to be heroes in such a broken system. Just because Calipari is more honest about his purpose does not necessarily make him a figure of valor. He takes the money, just like NCAA administrators. He's never going to attempt to really change the system.

1. Founder's Breakfast Stout

This makes me excited to read this book! I collected baseball cards in elementary school and loved all of the Expos, especially Pedro and Vlad.

Love em. Can't stop won't stop. Give me Rumors and let me enjoy it in peace. I am young enough so that I missed having to think about their relative (in?)authenticity and can just enjoy the pop tunes.


i've started to attempt to convince my wife that we should travel to Madison just for a diy beer tour.

Absolutely, it's beer and Beer, respectively. That said, I am glad I am fortunate enough to live near a couple places that stock Maine Beer Company offerings. Lunch and Zoe, amazing!