
“Fun” Fact! I asked my accountant about the whole “tax-free loan to the government” thing when I filed. While it is indeed TECHNICALLY true, people kind of overstate the peel job they are pulling on you (and probably ignoring bigger, more obvious ones).

In the last couple of years I’ve played frisbee, soccer, and basketball.

I played rec league softball until my thoracic outlet syndrome got bad enough that I had to quit. Now that I’ve had surgery I’m looking forward to getting back to it in a few months.

I’ve got a couple of cans of Three Stars Ghost White IPA with my name on em, and there is some sort of New Belgium in the fridge too.

We just moved a block away from a growler fill place, so whatever new keg they’ve tapped when I go in there later tonight.

Ayinger is my favorite this year. A perfect cross between the darker ones (Spaten and most American versions) and the paler ones (Hofbrau, etc...).

I do not think that the world is in any danger of running out of people who believe winning is the only thing worth

Hark! An Underrated IPA

Last Thursday was declared IPA Day by whichever marketing monkey’s turn it was to throw that particular dart, which

Tom — tax guy here. I’d need to see more detail on the financials, and I don’t do tax-exempts, like, ever, but I suspect that this may be a presentation issue the accountants for the Cardinals have decided on for some reason.

Wear whatever you want imo.

As a sacramento native and a high school teacher, let me be the quotable expert on K. J.: fuck, this guy is a sleezebag.

Anyone who chooses to spend time with Michelle Rhee has got to be a shitstain of the highest order.