
Once I left Alabama (pre-abv law changes) and moved to Virginia and discovered real craft beer I totally shunned lager for a long time due to the piss i had been drinking in bama. Places like Gordon Biersch taught me that lagers can indeed be delicious. I really like Brooklyn's Pre Prohibition style Lager and Flying

"The best fruit is the burpee."

Derivative... painfully incorrect... dripping with jealousy and lack of imagination in equal proportions.

I've been out — OUT! — on tempeh for so long that maybe it's time to give it another try with this recipe. It's one of those things that I know is good for you and all that, but I just haven't been able to make it in a way that I enjoy. Thanks!

There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys. Guns aren't for black people, either.

Excellent piece Greg...wow.

Black bean frittata. Butter up a pan over medium heat. Beat six eggs with a generous pinch of salt. At the same time, heat up equal parts black beans and the salsa of your choosing, mixed together in a pot. When the butter in the pan starts to froth, throw the eggs in and let them cook until they're just starting to

On Sunday mornings I like to dice a sweet potato, saute it with onion for a few minutes, add garlic and peppers and shit like that, often cumin, something green (diced zucchini lately), either black beans or spare meat, crack a couple eggs on top, cover the pot for way too long so I never get the eggs right, and then

Please do spare a moment to stare at Sam Woolley's amazing GIF of Michael Jordan shooting a turnaround jumper with a plate of pasta. I just love it so much.