John Effing Zoidberg

The movie is 20 years old. You’re allowed to have more of an in-depth look that actually spoils the film.

I read this article 4 times and I still have no idea wtf it’s talking about.

For those not watching the video: the suspected source of the word was itinerant peat farmers in late 1800 Ireland who used the terms as a replacement for “god damn” in order to avoid angering God and being dragged down to Hell (which they believed was what was happening when you were sucked into a peat bog).

FF started making big cash with FF5, when The Rock made his first appearance.

Drop The Rock and keep Vin, FF9 will almost certainly suffer. Drop Vin and keep The Rock, FF9 will make another billion dollars.

Vin is not a bankable star. Everybody knows this, except Vin Diesel.

I suspect it has less to do with Johnson’s politics and more to do with Vin Diesel being a giant tool of a man who thinks he’s the center of the universe.

I gave up on Walking dead after the prison stuff, and it felt so good. That show was trash. Nothing ever happened.

I feel like this is a good sentiment but you give terrible examples.

Just watch the shows you wanna watch. Don’t get all “keeping up with the Jones’s TV watching habits.” If you don’t care, you don’t care and that’s okay!

Iron Eagle was the movie that made me want to be a fighter pilot ... I am not a fighter pilot.

Wiseau serious?

BREAKING: White Guy Continues To Fail Upward On Wave Of Hipster Bullshit

That’s what she said

There are no clearly-defined villains

Maybe it’s because the film actually isn’t that good. The orginal’s sci-fi/noir meditation on mortality has been replaced with a bloated detective story that hinges on two “miracles” (one the power outage that erased a lot of records but other than that didn’t really do too much, the other the central twist involving

I finally got around to watching this, and I gotta say I don’t think it deserved an Oscar nod. It was solid, and continued the story well, but it wasn’t as good as the original and it was way too long. It was very pretty, but even that seemed up its own ass at times.

That’s not very impressive since there’s no way of proving that was from memory.

Why’d he leave if South Africa was such a non-shithole?

“The President doesn’t think it necessary to pay undue respect to countries who do not respect our borders.”

It’s not like this will do anything to erode Trump’s support amongst his base. They already think those countries are shitholes.

Looking forward to how Huckabee-Sanders spins this: “The President meant it in the nicest possible way. As in, ‘I love what you’ve done with this shithole’.”