This idea that the fans of Rick & Morty are somehow worse than any other shows fans is being heavily pushed by this site, but has no basis in reality.A few (and it really is a tiny amount) vocal assholes does not mean everyone.
This idea that the fans of Rick & Morty are somehow worse than any other shows fans is being heavily pushed by this site, but has no basis in reality.A few (and it really is a tiny amount) vocal assholes does not mean everyone.
You keep trying to make a few shitty fans some big thing. It’s not. Quit trying to ruin something because it’s popular and you want to start controversy for the clicks.
“self-congratulatory back-patting”
Movies like Wonder Woman help to normalize female action heroes in the mainstream, but it isn’t revolutionary. It’s not Cameron’s fault that those who think Wonder Woman is a feminist breakthrough have no sense of pop history.
Bullshit. It should clearly read:
Have you written a book or series of books that you just can’t seem to figure out how to adapt into a major motion picture?
Hi! I’m Akiva Goldsman you may remember me from adapted scripts such as I, Robot, and the DaVinci Code and whether it be YA or a collection of short stories with no coherent plot that shouldn’t…
From a PR standpoint, and in this day and age of instant outrage, people in the public eye know better than to support (or even be perceived to support) someone even accused of assault.
My VERY FAVORITE thing about kinja is how they trick you into re-clicking into an article since they don’t tell you which comment (on which article) you made got “recommended,” just that one, somewhere, somehow, in fact did.
Here’s a daily reminder that this site is ugly and terrible to navigate now.
Or maybe they just hated him.
I didn’t think it was possible, but Kinja’s ability to embed Youtube videos has made your posts even more obnoxious.
I’ve lost the flavor and intensity of last season a bit but this show is still great. Nothing else like it on tv/internet/etc. Great characters. Great casting. Goggins is getting more fun out of this than any actor has a right to. When he burned up all their IDs in the bucket that expression he made was priceless. I…
Everyone rooting for Dayshawn to play the knife game, even if it obviously led to him stabbing himself in the finger, was so fucked up yet so hilarious.
How do you call that a primary criticism when the source is from you specifically searching for “Guys who think they are Rick” on Twitter?
That’s like saying one of the ‘primary criticisms’ of Democracy is how it enables the Reptilian-Jewish-Woman-POC alliance, and then having your source be a bunch of Infowars tweets…
Context: Imagine a guy having the attitude of a coked-out 27 year old rockstar level asshole to his fans/readers, but he’s a movie blogger, and he’s been that way since ~2000, and he kept being that way into his forties. Imagine a guy who started his career as a dudebro being totally fine with making…
Seriously! He thought he was so “in” with woke culture that he could listen and promise to “do better” and that would be his magic ticket. His unending, disgusting hubris being his undoing is what makes this all so satisfying in an otherwise grim situation.
Faraci drugged and raped dozens of women? Damn, missed that.
You’ve clearly never read his work.