They don’t care. They get more clicks now that the site is part of a strip mall.
They don’t care. They get more clicks now that the site is part of a strip mall.
The greys system is absolutely idiotic. I get the background behind it — trolls were posting grotesque graphics of mutilated women and things like that.
I really enjoyed Blood Drive. It was a big stupid fun show.
Colin Cunningham’s portrayal of Julian Slink was one of the best things on TV this year.
One of the most refreshing and enjoyable TV shows I’ve seen. Will find its audience and live in infamy.
CGI the gun.
I’m here. Or am I?
I am very impressed with Kinja’s ability to edit out thoughtcrime posts on the fly!
After checking my notifications and refreshing the page for the 6th time, I came to the same conclusion: Delete this feature, the time wasted washes this out to an actual net loss in entertainment for me.
Still grey, and still pissed. And has anybody else noticed that the articles have pretty much gone to shit since the Change? THERE ARE OTHER SHOWS BESIDES FUCKING GAME OF THRONES, GODDAMMIT!
Lol, let me tell you guys the history of Kinja:
Unfortunately, I think the powers-that-be see the death of this community as a feature, not a bug.
It really really reeaaaaalllllly is. I didn’t hate this shit so much until I tried to have actual conversations. Calculon was right, this shit is so bad it’s given me cancer.
Has anyone else had the thing happen where you hit “show more replies” and it just refreshes to the top of the comments? Good times.
I was willing to give Kinja a chance, but I don’t understand how anything at the AVC works anymore.
“Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose... it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother Kinja.”
I never liked being able to see where new posts were without refreshing the whole dang page anyway.
you are rite.
It’s been a real time saver since I’m not reading nearly as many comment threads on here anymore. Mr. Scorpio says productivity is up 2%, and it’s all because of Kinja’s motivational techniques
Fuck THIS Shit, amirite?