Found the source video!
Found the source video!
Ossoff raised a shit ton of money the first go-around, something like $8.3 million, so we’re going to need people to donate like crazy again for the next vote.
This is the article that finally triggered our poor troll. Dismiss and flag away everyone!
That’s a really sensitive treatment of her actions. I agree. I would also think her delayed response was due to the fact the whole tragedy appeared to be a direct result of unchecked and predatory media practices- why feed the animal that killed the mother of the two grandsons?
I do like red velvet...
Nah, 2016 was worse. 2017 is more bizarre. Seriously, like how in anyone’s right mind would they think that this is okay to say, bizarre.
Is it wrong to hope she never ever works in “journalism” or any sort of public space again?
She sounds like a special cheeto (my version of their “special snowflake” name they have for Libs) with these comments, she’s so fucking tone deaf, she’s lucky she even gets a platform to spew her hatred. Her pro choice comments are not welcome to a majority of people on the right and her hate speech isn’t welcome to…
She reminds me of Sarah Palin..... “great” at pivoting and reciting her 10-12 rehearsed talking points; but the second she’s in a (non-fawning) interview, her abject ignorance is just glaring.
My job is my job. My catharsis is cross-stitching and no one can take that from me.
I was watching live, and was convinced I must have had a stroke when I heard “Holocaust Centers”.
Trump hasn’t met my seven-year-old. While registering for the Easter egg roll ticket lottery (because this is on my bucket list and I refuse to let the presence of that idiot deter me for the next four years), my kid asked what we would do if we crossed paths with Trump there. I turned it around and asked, “What do…
That is a horrible and inappropriate comment.
It truly was a horrible time. I was really upset too. It helped put the final nail in Heroes coffin.
oh yeah. that book was the worst. i literally almost had a nervous breakdown when i realized how long it was/how bad it was when i had to read it for school. brain no work as good now. brain full of trump.
Seems like a few days ago Sean Spicer was talking about a “political reality that we have to accept” regarding Assad’s regime, which was swiftly followed by... a chemical weapons attack.
A+ curse!
All those slack jawed white boys in that photo....I hope all their preferred ball sport teams lose every game from here until the world burns.