Quincy is a Russell Terrier...
Quincy is a Russell Terrier...
Yeah, I have opinions I’m sure my work wouldn’t 100% want to endorse (I think raw tomatoes are bad! and that breaking bad was overrated!). You know how I express those opinions without implying my employer supports them? I DON’T SIGN MY NAME WITH MY EMPLOYER INFORMATION.
I read this morning that WaPo is hiring 60 more journalists! As soon as I get paid next week I’m subscribing to help support their efforts.
He has a head that looks like a filthy big toe with an ingrown nail.
If there is a just and merciful god, he will fall on top of Pence suffocating him.
And fewer spelling errors.
Ooo, all caps.
I’m 100% sure that when judges see “unreviewable authority” they’re all like “hold my beer.”
What the fuck is EASY D?!?
I think he likes to talk tough to compensate for the fact he’s terrified of stairs.
I believe the metric shit ton is larger than the imperial fuckload.
In the past week or so, I’ve gotten through twice and faxed once. I was polite to the staffer (who frankly sounded miserable). I just picked DeVos as the one issue on which to focus. I tried to appeal to his self serving nature by saying, “This isn’t a partisan issue. She is flat out unqualified. The Senator doesn’t…
And incorporating your business :)
Sean Spicer will shortly claim that he actually got a million to a million and a half people voting for Tillerson. Period.
Agreed. And people saying don’t filibuster Gorsuch, just shut the fuck up. Don’t you realize that if your starting statement is, “well we don’t want to sink to their level” - then you may as well just proactively write a bill that hands the entire US government to the Republican part in perpetuity because they are…
And sing that song from Grease 2. We’ll Do It For Our Country! The Red White and the Blue! It applies to both countries so it works.
Paul Ryan, you craven piece of shit. You have three children, claim to be a devout Catholic, claim to love America. Where is your humanity? Where is your compassion? Is there no line you won’t let be crossed. Shame on you.
KellyAnne is a modern day Rasputin. If she can’t do it, I don’t see how anyone could. She’s evil but she’s good at her job.
that’s insulting to jellyfish... and he’d probably love to get stung by one just so he has an excuse to get peed on.