
Awesome, now I can represent my sexual preference as I chainsaw some guy in half. 

After only two posts I know for an absolute certainty that you are a complete douche.

Because maybe those of us with careers, wives, mortgages, children, etc. would still like to have fun playing a video game every once and a while, without having to commit to an extensive training regiment.

Luke, I think that it is important to note that the first AOW was, even if not intentionally, a spiritual successor to the Warlords series of games. The strategic layer shares many similarities in design, and then they added the tactical layer which just made things sing.

This is the kind of game I wish was on the Switch.

These aren’t mutually exclusive, you judgmental ass. And i was trying to generate a bit of dark humor, but since that was obviously lost on you, let’s examine, shall we?

Nah. It just means it’s harder to get a chance to raid. You keep things the same and it gives people an opportunity to meet other players. Sometimes it works, sometimes it won’t but when people group with decent players they are likely to keep playing with each other. People with raid groups already will remain

Ah, the self-own

Been there, but after a while I got to the feeling of “fuck that shit” and left on time.

Good one. En français: une tête à claques.

At $12 this is completely worth it. I’ve played through the included adventure a few times as a DM, because it’s a piss easy way to get new players into the game. As the other schmucks in the grey underdark with me will attest, this does not include friends with whom to play.

At $12 this is completely worth it. I’ve played through the included adventure a few times as a DM, because it’s a

Eventually, the bubble collapses. At some point, there will be a split so vast that it’s simply impossible to be a good believer and accept the evidence of your own eyes, and they’re either going to snap out of it or go completely insane. In Jonestown, the collapse of the bubble led to mass suicide. In Germany, it led


Somewhere, the ghost of an ostrich is laughing its ass off.

This and the crap in the story sounds awful, disrespectful and frankly exhausting to deal with, but the plus side seems to be it sounds pretty straightforward to rule out a load of potential matches for being total asshats.

Thanks strange dude in California. This strange woman in California really appreciate your comment. :::hugs:::

Mystery Men remains my favorite super hero movie, even after all these years. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but there are certain lines and scenes in it that I absolutely adore.

“Lorraine, god gave me a gift... I shovel well, I shovel very well.”

“Honey, you shovel better than any man I’ve ever known. You’re a good

I’m sure you loved her in family films like Secretary and Donnie Darko

I propose a new government policy to get vibrators to every woman in America. Government subsidized orgasms will increase productivity and improve the overall quality of life of all American citizens.

I don’t see any reason why they can’t continue being artists. Now, whether they’re popular artists or not is up to the audience.