
I'm only going to be in Overwatch this weekend. I need to do my placement matches and grind for lootboxes because I haven't gotten the two skins I really want and I don't have enough coins to buy them and the dances I want. (the skins in question are Cruiser!D.Va and beekeeper!Mei. I'd honestly love to have all the

Everyone I know is having rotten loot box luck with this event, so it's not just you! I've done ok, but still haven't gotten the dances/skins that I really want.

When my friends and I saw the first Hunger Games movie, some lady brought her very young baby who cried intermittently through it, and most egregiously, wailed through Rue's death scene. (the lady in question didn't take the baby out until the scene was over) The movie wasn't ruined for me but it really tainted one of

I watched The Conversation for the first time last weekend. Wow, what a great final 20 minutes.

I went to a great concert last week (Franz Ferdinand) and I finally got a commission sketch I ordered from one of my favorite comic artists (Kevin Wada) over two years ago and it turned out awesome.

The worst one I can think of was in the first X-Men Legends game but it was my own fault. I got to this timed mission on a sinking ship and I got so stressed that I saved+quit without really thinking about it. When I came back to it, I realized I had saved with only like 20 seconds left in the mission and it was

Yeah for sure! I, of course, keep getting stuck on attack teams with Widowmakers/Hanzos/Genjis, who just run off and do their own thing while I try to heal a 1200hp D.Va fighting a boosted/constantly bubbled Zarya. Team comp is super critical on attack.

Totally agreed on Mayhem mode! I've yet to play a game without a Zarya on either team, she's absolutely killer in this. I've been playing as Torbjorn if we're on defense and I've yet to be on a losing team. His armor gives double health, and when he Molten Cores (which in that mode is like every 90 seconds), his

I finished Night in the Woods last weekend and I just loved it. Really loved the characters and the story, especially how it basically turns into Hot Fuzz but more fucked up at the end. I don't really have time to replay it right now but I definitely plan to at some point, as I missed out on doing stuff with Germ and

They really need to give more coins for dupes, especially for legendaries. An event legendary skin costs 3000 coins but you only get 200 if you roll a dupe! It's BS, you should get at least 500, which is what the legendary coin box is worth.

I don't remember when I first saw them. I'm pretty sure we had the originals on VHS and I watched them at some point. My mom did take me to see the special editions in 1997, and when we got those VHS tapes I remember watching the crap out of them, especially the behind the scenes stuff on what they added from the

I knew Ray and Nikki wouldn't get a happy ending (the bumbling criminals on this show never do) but I still rooted for those crazy kids. I really hope these last few episodes are about Nikki, Gloria, & Officer Lopez destroying all these terrible men.

I'm seeing them in concert on Friday so I've been listening to them a lot lately too. That album is still so dang good.

That's too bad, hopefully they'll get fixed soon. At least it has tons of replay potential.

I finished Night in the Woods and it was lovely. I might do another playthrough soon, I know I missed a ton of stuff and would love to see all the different scenes (plus I missed going to the graveyard with Bea since I didn't realize you could only do 2 ghost hunting things and I really want to see that).

I think I would feel more positive about that ending if I knew that Barry wasn't going to be the star of the show next season. Nothing against Grant Gustin, who I adore in the role, but his big sacrifice just feels hollow knowing that whenever they come back for s4, they're going to get Barry out of speed jail within

So I finished Mass Effect: Andromeda last weekend! Here is my disjointed bullet point review:

Yeah, I loved XV but it's paced so oddly once you get to the Venice city. The plot ramps up to a 100 and you have to use your dog to travel back in time to do sidequests! I really missed the riding around on chocobos with my bros during the back half, but it goes pretty quickly, at least.

Yeah, it is kind of ridiculously gorgeous here. If you don't mind smaller towns, it's worth looking into the surrounding artsy communities. There are lots within 30 miles of the city, so you're not too far out from the social scene and downtown even if you are basically living in the woods and see bears every day.

Asheville native here and if cheap cost of living is a priority, this is not the place, unfortunately. Housing is absurd here and I don't see it getting better in the near future. But if you're a landscape painter, some of the surrounding towns like Burnsville or Spruce Pine might be more up your alley. The scenery in