
So glad to have you back on the Star Wars animation beat, Kevin! always loved your Rebels reviews, a show that was as frustrating and awesome as Star Wars usually is.

I only played Mercy in Arcade (No Limits and Low Grav) but man, I just died every single time I rezzed or tried to rez. I wasn’t having a great night, overall, though, so it might have just been me.

Moira was released on Overwatch last night so I’m probably going to spend my weekend trying her out. I did a few things with her last night (just Arcade stuff, as the PS4 servers are always a nightmare when a big patch comes out) and I think I’m going to have to switch her controls. (R2 is heal and L2 is damage but

so I’m left to wonder about things like why Kara and Alex share both a bathroom and a bedroom in a house that looks like a small mansion.

Homefront, a Stallone-scripted bayou-justice movie in which James Franco plays a villain named Gator Bodine. Homefront is not a great movie, but I love it.”

I’ve just been living in Overwatch trying to get all the skins I want from the Halloween event (which is all of them). Because Mercy is such a hassle to play now (I got solo-ulted by a Zarya last week. A Zarya!), I’ve been working on my Zenyatta lately and for the first time, I’m really enjoying playing with him. I’m

I’m back to living in Overwatch now because the Halloween event started and I need all of the skins. I didn’t have the game last year, so not only do I have to get all those great ones (Witch Mercy, Thriller 76, Junkenstein), I gotta get all these awesome new ones too (80s Zarya, Cthulhu Zen, demon Symmetra). I got

God I have missed this show so much, this weirdo gorgeous lunacy was exactly what I needed this week. I had the biggest grin on my face the entire time Cheryl was threatening her awful mother, it was incredible. And then she gave Fred the kiss of life! Cheryl Blossom is the over the top, inappropriate syrup-heiress we

Fast Five is one of my all-time favorite movies, so glad to see it get its due here. It’s just so much dang fun to watch that has way more cheesy heart than anyone could have expected. And it made Ludacris a tech genius!

When I haven’t played for awhile, I like to do a couple Vs. AI matches, just on medium difficulty. It’s a good way to get used to the controls again with pretty low stakes.

I’ll be running around, doing stuff for my faction in Destiny 2 (went with Future War) and other adventures, strikes, and quests. I don’t have much more to say about this game than I already have but gosh, it’s fun.

You hit the nail on the head, uncoordinated teams are exactly the biggest problem I’ve been having with new Mercy. When I’m playing with 4 DPS flankers and a new D.Va that’s flying all over the place, it’s super irritating to try to get to people to rez, especially since the radius is so small. The few times that

Been doing a lot of post-game Destiny 2 stuff, trying to raise my light level (I’m at like 264 right now). I did a bunch of strikes this week with some friends and jesus, that Nightfall one this week is nearly impossible. We did the regular version of it without a lot of trouble but the Nightfall version is just

I don’t think I’ve gotten any bright ones, yet, but I’ll have to remember that. I just want to look snazzy, Destiny!

I ended up buying Destiny 2 last weekend on a drunken whim and will most definitely be playing more of it this weekend. I’m at level 20 and I’ve unlocked all my subclasses but I’ve still got some of the story mode to finish, which I hope to do with some friends tonight or tomorrow. I didn’t play the first Destiny but

I didn’t play the first Destiny but I bought this over the weekend and I’m having a ton of fun so far. The story/lore is fine but I’m mostly just in it to kill a bunch of aliens. I don’t know if it’ll have the staying power of something like Overwatch for me, but for now it’s really hitting the spot. It helps that the

I don’t hate Terminator: Salvation but it’s entirely because of Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese. That period when Hollywood tried to make Sam Worthington a star sure was somethin’, huh?

I’ll still be switching between Overwatch and Dragon Age: Inquisition, as I have been for the past month or so. I’m working on the Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent DLCs in DA:I right now, just barely started both of them, and I’ve got 5 dragons left to slay so I’ll probably get all of that done before the next big plot

I’m excited for Wicked Eyes, I know Morrigan shows up and I’ve missed her dearly.

I’ll definitely still play with her, but I wish they’d just leave her defense matrix alone. Tanks are supposed to protect their teammates and now that it only lasts for 2 seconds, it’ll barely be able to do that. I really don’t think DM was overpowered and people complaining about it eating up their ults should learn