
I finished Andromeda! I'll write something longer about my thoughts on it in the WAYPTW? post but overall, I enjoyed it, especially the latter half of the game.

I know it probably wasn't but I'm going to pretend that the Fillmore Graves bros talking up how cool the Scratching Post is because "it doesn't have a sign" is an Always Sunny reference.

Yeah that was my immediate thought too when the episode ended.

The Cheryl on the ice scene was intense, especially when Archie was punching the ice and there was so much blood! Jughead, Betty, & Veronica crying in the background really sold it too, that would be a supremely upsetting experience.

Yeah, it being the end of the season is a big part of why I'm trying it out now. My best friend does a lot of comp, so she said she'd team up with me for the placement matches, so that will help too. I don't super care about the tiers (I'll probably end up in silver & that's fine with me), I just want to try something

Ugh, that one's pretty bad too. I know Andy Daly said that was, by far, the worst one for him to film.

I'm going to try to finish ME: Andromeda this weekend. I'm at like 70% completion, so I think I can do it. I've really enjoyed the back-half of this, especially with all the Ark & loyalty missions, romance stuff, and squad interactions. (Drack gave both Ryder and Vetra a "don't break my daughter's heart" speech in the

The riding in cars (and later, chocobos) with boys part of XV (which is the biggest chunk) is definitely the best part and what I loved about it.

I'm so glad a lot of games allow you skip cutscenes now. I remember watching the one before the Riku fight in Kingdom Hearts approximately 37 times.

Anything involving water or swimming in a game that's not about water or swimming. Most Mario water levels, Sonic water levels (especially Hydrocity Zone from Sonic 3), Blitzball, fucking Atlantica from Kingdom Hearts, even the fishing in FFXV. Hate them all.

Forrest eating that 6-month old burrito in this season of Review. The prop team did an exquisite job of making that look as believably disgusting as possible.

Mine's always had a limit of 5 but they are packed to the gills on FCBD, so I get it. This year, they had three creator signings (plus one of the artists was doing free sketches), a couple independent vendors selling handmade geeky crafts, and a sale on toys, so they bring in a ton of customers. They leave their

Yeah, I definitely agree that more missions like that instead of endlessly running errands for people would have been great.

I put like 18 hours into Andromeda this weekend, so while I'm not quite at the beginning of the end, I'm getting there. It was also the most fun I've had playing this game so far:
-I finished everyone's loyalty missions and Liam's was surprisingly great (predictably, I loved the Star Wars reference). He's still not my

Getting Star Wars: Screaming Citadel, Gotham Academy, & Wonder Woman from my list. I might also pick up Black Cloud (if my shop got any of the 2nd printing) and Bug because I love the Allreds.

Now that Uprising is done in Overwatch & I don't have to grind for lootboxes, I'm going to try and make a lot of headway in ME: Andromeda. I've mostly finished up Elaaden (which I loved because I love the krogans and their inability to understand the ingredients of a gingerbread cookie) but I'm skipping the vault for

Caveat: I'm not done yet but I've got like 45 hours in.

It took them awhile but they finally figured out how to make Curtis nerdy, helpful, and less annoying but still being Curtis. Naming his T-Spheres after the ferrets from Beastmaster was a nice touch. Also, now that Dinah put it in my head, I want him and Rene to get together so badly.

Despite really liking the game, I've never finished Final Fantasy X when I started it a couple years ago. I got really far into it, but I left off right when you get on the giant ship and can go all over the world and do a bunch of sidequests. It was so overwhelming that I put it aside and have never gone back to it.

Obi-Wan is my favorite fictional character in anything but Luke's a very close number two.