
I'm mostly going to be lootbox grinding in Overwatch. I let myself buy one pack of lootboxes during an event, which I did last night, and I still don't have a bunch of the event stuff I want, so I gotta keep leveling up to hopefully roll them. I'll buy Mercy's mom hair skin and some of the voice lines/sprays on Sunday

I'm finding less bugs and goofy stuff with Andromeda the more I play it (or maybe I'm just noticing it less?) Either way, I'm really enjoying where I'm at right now, which is running around and doing sidequests and avoiding the plot, which is what I always liked best about the original games too. I really liked

THANK YOU. That bugged the shit out of me.

Me! That last 20-30 minutes really, really got to me, which I did not expect.

The biggest problem is that the snipers are too slow to contend with the sheer volume of omnics that mode gives you. Even a really good Hanzo/Widow/Ana has trouble reloading quickly enough to deal with them, especially as the mode progresses. I played in one group where I, as Mercy, got all the bronze medals because

Made a decent amount of headway through Mass Effect: Andromeda. I'm on Kadara right now, and it's easily my favorite planet so far. I didn't realize how much I'd missed the Mos Eisley/hive of scum and villainy vibe of some of the original games until I got here and started investigating murders, corruption, and

Childhood crushes that never went away: Kiefer Sutherland, Raiders of the Lost Ark!Harrison Ford, Ewan McGregor
Current crushes: Donald Glover, Caity Lotz, Riz Ahmed

I don't know whose decision it was to have Philip/Gus have a stain on his shirt while he was eating Chinese food with Dierdre but I applaud it all the same. Philip's trying so hard to be Gus with little touches like that, but his apathy with the mission + how much he can't get a read on Dierdre keep him from being as

I'm also really enjoying Overwatch: Uprising. The PvE is really fun and challenging (especially when I don't get to play as my main girl Mercy) and I hope they do more events like this in the future. And even though the lore is convoluted as fuck, I'm stoked that this answers a few questions about the history of

Inching my way through ME: Andromeda. I've got a couple sidequests left on Voeld and then I'm leaving that goddamn ice cube and never going back.

The Flash, Gotham Academy, Wonder Woman, Motor Crush, The Wicked + The Divine, Dr. Aphra, and Squirrel Girl. I also have to pick up my stuff from last week, so I'm going to have quite a haul. I'm really behind on a few of these (especially the double shipping DC titles) but I'm most excited to read TW+TD, I've heard

Gonna vote for APB, mostly because I'm so mad at myself for taking Doubt off my ballot at the last minute.

Part of the reason I don't do comp is that I'm a woman and terrified of getting on voice chat with shitty gamer dudes. My best friend had a bunch of guys be shitty to her when she did placement matches and it just makes me very hesitant to join in on that scene (even though I know there are plenty of decent and normal

Oh yeah, doing it without a guide would be tough. I definitely used the SV wiki to make sure I gave people stuff they liked, especially on their birthdays (it counts double). They're very picky and idiosyncratic pixel people, and there's not one item that they all like. I ended up focusing on about 6 or 7 of them to

Andromeda still for me. I'm doing sidequests on Voeld and slightly overwhelmed at how fucking big that planet is and how much there is to do. So many little pockets of angara to save! (sidenote: I like that every group of angara I run into is pretty evenly split, gender-wise. The ME trilogy was really bad about that

The social stuff in Stardew Valley gets more interesting the more you play it. Once you get the characters up to 6 hearts or so, the conversations are a lot more interesting. Plus you get to save one character from committing suicide. Also, if you get married, your spouse helps you out on the farm and sometimes cooks

I love the costuming in this show so much. All of the Blossoms wear only black and red the entire episode, until Cheryl wears that powder blue dress at the end, when she's feeling much more estranged from her family than usual. It's not subtle but it's effective.

PS4. I've had some weird animation things with my Ryder since I started but it wasn't until this week that I got actual bugs. (I also had a weird thing where I went to talk to Vetra in the crew's room and the game screen went black while she talked and then we ended up in her room). One of my friends (also on PS4)

Picking up Green Arrow, Paper Girls, America, and Star Wars. I still can't believe how much I love Green Arrow, it's easily my favorite superhero comic I'm reading right now. I hope America #2 is good, I was a little underwhelmed by the first issue (especially the coloring) but I'm going to stick it out for one of my

I finally had my first real bugs in Andromeda (double Dracks and not being able to fast travel to a forward station) but otherwise I'm enjoying it. I'm still not very far in, though, as life has been unusually busy lately. Plus Overwatch is ramping up for another event, so it's probably going to take me awhile to