
Philip's face when Elizabeth tells him the truth about Gorp Guy…fuck. He can't do this anymore, he really can't. Matthew Rhys is extraordinary in that last 5 minutes.

I'm from NC and I agree, I didn't find it patronizing at all. I think it's one of the better (and most accurate) representations of southern people I've seen in a lot time.

Yeah, I agree. Cooper was poised to lose either way on this, if he'd vetoed it, the republicans would have cried foul on him hurting NC for not compromising. He and the dems here have so little power here, I understand why they voted for it, even if it's a really shitty compromise.

Well, neither of them are squadmates, so they don't get nearly as much interaction as any of those romances do, which is another problem. Plus, they're both humans, like the options were in ME3, so once again, there are no alien romances for queer guy players. It's a big oversight all around, IMO.

I haven't had a lot of time to play, so I'm only about 15 hours in, just finishing up Harvarl. I love it so far, but I haven't had any glitches or bugs that I know others have had, so I suppose that helps. I did switch to casual from normal, though, because that autosave feature when you're in the vaults is bullshit

Black Lightning, Wednesdays at 9 on The CW.

Yeah, it was QP (I've never done comp). I know the matchmaking there is usually a bit of a mixed bag but it was really, really off this week. We had a group of 4 and we got matched with solo people that were about the same levels as us, but we kept getting matched with people 300-400 levels ahead of us. Usually, if we

ME:A for me. I've only had a few hours to play this week, so like a lot of people, I've just gotten to the point where I'm about to go on my first real mission. My biggest complaint so far is the CC is super lacking and I don't 100% love how my Ryder looks but I'm not going to restart because of it. (I gave her the

Started American Gods this week. I've only ever read Gaiman's comics so I wasn't totally sure what to expect but yup, seems very Gaiman-y so far. I'm about halfway through.

I started ME:A last night but with TV and other stuff going on, I'm only like an hour into it. The character customization is really lacking, so I just said fuck it and gave my Ryders ridiculous hair colors.

Yeah, the fact that freaking Asheville has a Republican representative tells you everything to know about how gerrymandered it is here. Our GOP is just one of the worst in the entire country.

I could watch Lange and Sarandon do scenes together for hours. Both the scene at the restaurant where Crawford details her horrifying childhood and the end scene where they reshoot the ending of the movie were master class. Sarandon says so much with just an eye twitch and Lange is so good at playing bitchy broads

I'm counting down until ME: Andromeda because I play Bioware stuff as a dating sim and I don't super care if the facial animation is weird. I read spoilers for the romance options and my Ryder should be able to bang the alien of my choice and that's all I care about. It's going to be weird/fun to play this as it comes

Grunt drunk in the shower is possibly one of my favorite moments in any video game. I love my giant tank-baby son so much.

Yeah, serious kudos to the production/prop team for that burrito. I nearly gagged watching Forrest eat it, even before the food poisoning set in.

I got the weird commercial cuts too, they were awful and distracting. I kept feeling like I was missing the end of the scene.

I love the dynamic of everything about Chase being out in the open with Team Arrow but Ollie still having to work with him as mayor. That press conference where he had to call for the Green Arrow's arrest with Chase standing right next to him was great.

No problem! Best of luck!

I've never written trivia but I've been a regular at a trivia night for almost 7 years. I think a lot of it depends on your format. The one I go to has 7 rounds. The first 4 are different every week, and all have 9 questions. The first few in each are usually total gimmes and then he increases the difficulty with the

I don't have Travel Channel anymore but when I did, it was undoubtedly Ghost Adventures. I used to be into all of the ghost shows, but I loved GA the most, all entirely because of how goddamn crazy Zak Bagans is. There's an early episode where they go to this small island somewhere in Italy and he gets "possessed" by