
For sure.

Well I loved that episode but I'm so conflicted about the ending. If I knew Howerton/Dennis would definitely be back in some capacity in s13, I'd love it, but for now, it makes me uneasy. I cannot imagine this show without one of the members of the Gang, and especially without him. I really hope they can make this

Joker/EDI was immediately what I thought of when Rip and Gideon kissed. I would love it if they went there as a main plot point on the show.

Still just Overwatch for me. I gotta applaud Blizzard for releasing a controversial patch update on Tuesday (let's make Bastion easily the most powerful character in the game!) but then mitigating it with a new hero announcement on Thursday. I play on console so I haven't been able to try Orisa out yet but I love

I really struggled with that game for the first couple of "days" but once I got into a groove with it and figured out the best way to do the missions, I loved it. The ridiculous amounts of fun outfits helped, too.

Overwatch. I only had time to play for a little bit after the big patch update yesterday, so I haven't yet experienced the new Bastion changes everyone is complaining about. I'm personally much more bummed that you can no longer select multiples of the same hero in vs. AI mode. It wasn't listed in the patch notes so

Only 15 out of 24. I pegged La La Land to be stronger in the tech categories, plus I missed two of the shorts. Oh, and I missed Makeup & Hairstyling, but who didn't?

Yeah, I anticipate it to be pretty tough but hopefully I can get the transporter timing right to do it! I got her EMP achievement last weekend so I hope I can do two for two.

Ugh, as a Mercy main, Roadhogs are the bane of my existence.

Still all Overwatch for me. I started watching tips and tricks videos from pros for Mercy and Sombra (my two favorite characters) which is slightly disorienting because half the time, I can't tell what part of the maps they're on (I still don't know the maps very well), but the few videos I've watched have already

I would really love to get better with Tracer, she's a lot of fun to run around with in skirmishes but I just get shredded with her in QP. I need to work on her timing, especially for when to use recall and for when to just dash to a health pack.

I haven't seen enough of the nominees to say who SHOULD win but I think Emma Stone will easily walk away with Best Actress. I'm pretty surprised that this category is such a lock though, it was a really strong year for it. I'm kind of fascinated by how Natalie Portman's campaign died just as it seemed like she was a

I second a Best Stuntwork category. Those guys (and gals) never get their proper due, they don't even televise their wins on the freaking SAG awards. Plus, it would be a good way to highlight more popular blockbuster fare that more people have seen than the average Best Picture nominated movie.

Holy hell, Glenn Howerton's face when he opened that crate. I always think I can't be more impressed by his acting, and then he pulls out something like that. I can't remember the last time Dennis looked so sublimely content (or as sinister) as he held up that rocket launcher.

I've got 2 weeks worth to pick up today:
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Green Arrow
Sex Criminals
Poe Dameron

It's all Overwatch for me right now. I have Dragon Age: Inquisition to play but I don't really want to get into it before Mass Effect: Andromeda comes out, so I'm sticking with OW. I've only had it a few weeks but I finally feel like I'm getting into a groove with it, at least with Mercy. Been doing lots of Mystery

Citadel is my favorite thing in all off the Mass Effect games. It's one of the few times I spent hours watching YouTube videos of other scenarios for a game because there are so many fun possibilities in it.

That pace is about right for XV. I put 60 hours into the game total and I think 50 of them are from the first 8 chapters, when it's almost all running around with the guys. That's definitely the best part of the game, along with being able to have a chocobo of every color to run around on.

Eternal Sunshine
Before Sunset (oh that last scene in her apartment…)
Down With Love
Sleeping With Other People

My favorite thing about this ridiculous show continues to be the totally unbelievable pop culture references these kids are dropping. (Sixteen year olds in 2017 totally want to watch Rebel Without a Cause at a drive-in!) And I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely love it. I think it adds to the general weirdness of the