
All Overwatch all the time for me, lately. My friends and I have been teaming up on the weekends and it's a lot of fun. I'm still not super great at it, but I did already get both of Mercy's achievements, so I'm glad to have at least one character I don't totally suck as.

The plot goes from 0 to 100000 after Altissia, so it's easy to get sucked in to a full day of gameplay after it, which is what I did. After I finished Chapter 8, I pretty much played straight through to the ending over a long weekend.

I haven't done mine yet, but according to the H&R block estimator, I'm only getting $24 back so I guess it'll go towards 1/2 of the price of the new Mass Effect game.

4 cats.
-Fat black one named Roxy who showed up on our porch as a kitten & is either the sweetest or nastiest, depending on her mood.
-Tricolor tortie named Bella who was found in the road by our house as a kitten. Likes to lick my face like a dog.
-Longhaired tabby named Zoey who must be part Norwegian forest cat, she

Upvoted for "Drive It Like You Stole It", my favorite movie song of the last five years, easily. I'm so bummed it didn't get any traction for a nomination.

I just got Overwatch last week, so now I understand what everyone was talking about 6 months ago. I'm normally not a big FPS fan but I'm enjoying this a lot so far, at least, until a Genji pops up out of nowhere and stabs me in the back.

The old school levels are some of the most frustrating I've ever played in a Mario game. I remember angrily yelling about cogs a lot with my best friend while we played it. But I loved the rest of the game.

I'm usually not home on Monday nights so I never get to watch JTV live but I was last night and wow, I guess if there was one to see without the risk of being spoiled, that was it.

Between this LMD arc and binging 4 episodes of Westworld yesterday, I'm now suspicious of every character secretly being a robot. Doesn't matter what show, everyone's a secret robot now.

oh good catch!

Barrowman & McDonough swaggering into buildings together with giant shit-eating grins is just the best. Both of them wore out their welcomes on Arrow but I'm so glad they're still around being jackasses.

I really liked this finale, Evie had so much agency in her decisions, and it felt right that she and Xavier didn't end up together.

Mac's A Serial Killer was my introduction to the show and it's still one of my favs. Frank saying "serial killin'" before the title card still cracks me up.

That is such an underrated episode. I love when they walk out at the end: "it's weird that they were Asian, right?"

Frank's comment that he "bobs like a cauliflower" always cracks me up. Definitely one of my top 5 episodes.

While the Scarlett & Gunnar stuff was pretty insufferable, I did love Gunnar's "No one has golden eyes." comment. Nashville always needs more one-liners like this.

This show is really coming into its own, lately (right before it most likely ends forever, of course). I really liked that Evie put her foot down and said she'd date them both & with no sitcommy shenanigans of trying to do it behind their backs.

Sing Street is one of my favorite movies in years and the soundtrack is killer, I'm bummed I haven't seen it on more year-end lists.

Spot-on review, especially with regards to Watson. I was bugged by her lack of engagement all episode and I'm not really sure why the show sidelined her so much.

I listened to all of You Must Remember This this year which also got me to watch a bunch of older movies for the first time, including All About Eve, On the Waterfront, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Strangers on a Train, Rebel Without a Cause, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and Sunset