
I fucking loved this movie so much I can't get over it. It reminded me so much of The Clone Wars, just without any Force-users (sans Vader but holy shit that Vader scene at the end).

Of the 55 or so shows I watched this year, here's my top 20:

it was an accident, apparently:

Maul's crazy wall apparently spells out KENOBI in Mandalorian. I think the show really focusing in on his obsession with Mandalore is smart characterization. That was the setting for one of his greatest triumphs (killing Satine right in front of Obi-Wan) but it's also where Savage died and I don't think Maul's ever

Raimy not turning her phone off was ridiculous. C'mon girl, I know you're reckless but that was a bit much.

Loved this episode. Kallus has proved to become one of the most interesting characters on the show, I'm so pleased with the Fulcrum reveal.

My boss is on a business trip so I can finally listen to music at work/participate in this thread.

I cracked up at Sherlock's awkward poking/patting of Joan to wake her up in the chair. I will never tire of the waking up gags.

Voting for Notorious as well. I hope it wins because I need some points.

Once again, totally spot-on review Kevin. The entire time I was watching this, I kept thinking to myself, "what is the point of any of this?" and the show never really answered that at all.

Wes wasn't even close to my favorite character but I am so upset he died without ever hooking up with Annalise. Their super weird and intense relationship was half the reason I watched the show!

I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying Hank/Dierdre. Hank trying out different "noises" on her was hilarious, and I liked that Dierdre was miffed that he found her erotic novel before they hooked up in the closet.

Thank god for that amazing and ridiculous Shawshank role-playing scene. I needed those laughs after the utter devastation I felt from the other storylines. Gail's admission that she lost her son from something other than the virus really got to me.

I am overcome with Paula Proctor Esquire feelings. When she was in the courtroom, I yelled at my TV "DO THIS FOR YOURSELF PAULA!!!" and she did! And it wasn't a big deal! And her husband was totally supportive! Between this and Xo's abortion on Jane the Virgin, I'm so pleased with The CW's stance on women's rights

Return of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker saving his dad's soul while his friends and some bears save the galaxy may be trite to some, but it gets me every time.

Oh yeah, for sure. I totally get why editorial wouldn't let them use Princess Di but man, I really wish we could have gotten that storyline with her. It would have hit so much harder, I think, and yeah, maybe not gone on as long as it did.

Was this episode the first time we've seen them reference a deerstalker hat? Regardless, it made me chuckle.

This run of X-Force, plus X-Statix, is my favorite superhero comic ever. When I read the whole run (a few years after it was done), it blew me away. Most of my exposure to X-Men comics had been from Ultimate X-Men, so I'd never read anything this weird or darkly funny before in a Marvel comic and it hooked me

As another fan of Mandalorians, I second the frustration with this episode's weird refusal to explain anything about Sabine or her history. Give us something, not just Ezra asking questions that no one answers.

Yeah this was one of the better episodes so far. I really liked Lyndsy Fonseca's character, I hope she comes back (also I wasn't the only who thought she was going to kiss Ginny during the bathroom scene, was I?)