
This show is getting so much bettering every week, raising the emotional stakes of Evie's and Xavier's lists was a great move. I hope/assume Fern is sticking around, she makes a good foil for Evie.

Oh wow second place! Thanks Notorious for being a pile of nothing!

Clementine and Joel from Eternal Sunshine
Ben and McKinley from WHAS
Han and Gisele from the Fast & the Furious movies

I really enjoyed Xavier and Timothy hanging out, I hope they go back to that dynamic soon.

I'll go with Notorious for the next cancellation too. It just seems so nonexistent already.

I'm a huge Rex fan so this episode worked for me more than it didn't (the PTSD scene where he called out for Cody was great), but that line about Ezra "ending the Clone Wars" is inexplicable. I like the idea of them coming to the conclusion that no one won the War except for the Empire/Palpatine, but the episode

As the other person who watched this instead of the debate or baseball, I very much appreciate this review! I'm still liking this show a lot, and I found the saving of Maya really satisfying. It wasn't something unexpected or new, but I enjoyed it a lot.

I know very little about wrestling but I enjoyed Rhodes as Sampson a lot. The fighting style between him and Oliver definitely had a more WWE feel and I was really into it. I hope he comes back.

This episode was definitely the best so far, everything began to click into place. That Bechdel joke was incredible.

Yay Elementary reviews and Genevieve are back!!!

Kevin Can Wait, Wednesday.

As a huge Ben Kweller fan, Ben Folds dropping his name was the highlight of the episode for me. Bring back The Bens!

Yeah, I super did not understand why Raimy didn't talk to her mom through the radio other than plot contrivance.

I'd like to thank the costume designer who keeps putting Thea in blazers. It's her best clothing trend since the crop top season.


One of my friends got me the first trade of Chew for Christmas the year it came out, and it's the first comic I'll have followed from start to finish (albeit still in trade form). There's so much to love about this book - the art (SO MANY little jokes in almost every page, Guillory is great), all of the food

Yay Rebels reviews are back!

I can't explain why but "Panic Switch" by Silversun Pickups always gives me chills. I'm incapable of listening to it without cranking the volume all the way up and letting it wash over me.

Rainbow Connection is one of mine, too. That song is so beautiful.

I really, really enjoyed this, I like how they're handling the time stuff, like hiding the Polaroid in the coffee can. Peyton List has been so good in so much, I'm stoked she has her own show, now. And Riley Smith shocked me with how much I liked him, especially after that abysmal Nashville arc.