
Roger Rabbit is my all time favorite movie, it's utterly fantastic and wholly unique.

I'll still be working on Dragon Age II. I'm just about done with Act 2, I'm very intrigued to see what happens next. I know there are more time-jumps coming (and that everyone gets mad at Anders for something), so I'm excited to get to it. I really enjoy the moves for my rogue in this one, although I do miss being

Still on Dragon Age 2, just finishing up the Mark of the Assassin DLC. That alpha wyvern fight kicked my ass since I didn't bring a warrior with me. Thank god for the decoy ability, distracting it with that was the only way I could finally beat it. Really like this DLC, though, Felicia Day makes an excellent rogue elf.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to tell a guy I've gone a couple dates with that I genuinely want to be just friends. He's a good guy, and I tried, but I'm just not romantically attracted to him at all. I feel pretty terrible about all of it.

I'm up to Act 2 in Dragon Age 2, and having a lot of fun. I'm not sure why I see it ragged on so often, I love it. In DA:O, I stuck pretty consistently with the same team but I'm constantly switching it up in this one, just for fun.

The hum of our office printer because our boss doesn't allow us to listen to music.

Right now I'm really bummed about Nashville getting canceled because I'm sure that the now-series finale will be filled with a bunch of cliffhangers and be generally unsatisfying.

I would have never considered watching Avatar: The Last Airbender if my friends hadn't forced me to sit through it and I'm so glad they did. One or my favorite shows ever.

That was easily the my favorite episode of SHIELD ever. Lincoln and Hive dying was both narratively and personally satisfying, Daisy became a Robin Hood version of Quake, Mack got his shotgun axe, John Hannah is sticking around, Coulson's no longer director, FitzSimmons are still together, and LMDs! Keep it up, AoS.

Finished Tomb Raider, so now I've started Dragon Age II. Still pretty early in but I think I'm going to romance Anders entirely because the Wardens took Ser Pounce-A-Lot away.


While the episode itself was pretty underwhelming, I did really like that final scene with Joan and Sherlock. The fact that he told her about that entire conversation with Morland and that Joan dismissed it as junk was a nice character beat.

I hope Jax isn't just gone now. Did they really run out of their Firestorm budget before the end of the season?

I knew he would die but I just wish they would have come up with something better than that.

Keri Russell's forehead vein is the MVP but Matthew Rhys' hair is a close second in Best Acting By a Body Part in this episode. It was so angry and tired!

It's between Age of Ultron and IM2 for me. I enjoyed a decent amount of Ultron but the parts I didn't like, I really despised, whereas IM2 is just kind of meh all around (Sam Rockwell excluded). If I have to pick, I guess Ultron because I still can't believe they killed a speedster with bullets.

Obi-Wan, always. But Ahsoka, Fives, and Rex are all very close seconds.

I would like to be able to use computer commands in real life. So much CTRL+Z or CTRL+F.

1) Furious 7 was pretty great to see on opening night. I've rarely seen a crowd cheer so much as that one did when The Rock flexed out of his armcast. I think it also made the impact of Brian's departure more palpable, the theater got SO quiet and intense during the last 10 minutes. It was really memorable.

Had a very similar experience with The Village. I remember jokingly whispering to my friend halfway through "I bet the twist is that it's modern day!" So when it actually happened, we cracked up as everyone else muttered angrily.