
That slowed down version of "Radioactive" was the most CW song cue ever. I couldn't stop laughing, which I'm sure was not their intention.

Still on Tomb Raider, still enjoying all the treasure hunting but getting slightly tired of Lara crying all the time in the cut scenes.

My coworker got a special gift bag from our temp agency for this but I didn't get one, even though I've worked for them longer, so I don't feel too happy about it.

I saw Prince in concert about 12 years ago with one of my best friends, who is a huge Prince fan. There were a lot of goofy shenanigans that night (I had to hide the camera I had failed to sneak in in a tree) but the concert itself was incredible. I'm so thankful I got to see him.

The writing for Wally has just been ok but I'm pretty pleased with what Keiyan Lonsdale is bringing to the role with the little amounts of screen time he has. He brings the right mixture of hero worship, insecurity, and recklessness that reminds me of the 80s/90s Flash!Wally comics. He could always be funnier and

Great episode and great review. The scene with the ring is already one of my favorites from the series, it was so well-done.

I get that the actress is probably busy or something but they're killing me with all the references to her without actually having her on. Lisa and Len's relationship is one of my favorites from both the comics and The Flash, I want to see more of them!

Since most of my favorites have been mentioned, I'm going with Crank 2: High Voltage because it's superior to the first in every way and its villain is literally a head in a jar, so.

I got really into the sidequests on that game, for some reason. I think I felt guilty after I neglected one of the timed ones and a girl died.

Yeah, I can see that.

I'm playing the 2013 Tomb Raider for the first time right now. It's fun, I like all the treasure hunting and actual tomb raiding.

My city/region has dozens of craft breweries, so I feel compelled to answer this. Highland Brewing's Black Mocha Stout is my favorite but I like almost all dark beers, so I'm not too picky.

A Good Day to Die Hard

That would have been TERRIBLE. I love Murray but wow, he would have not been able to pull that off at all.

I don't think (and I certainly hope they don't) they'll ever remake Who Framed Roger Rabbit and thank god, because Bob Hoskins was completely perfect.

The Birdcage is so wonderful. Agador's soup (well, it's more of a stew) always cracks me up.

Oh wow, yeah, I can only imagine how intense that whole final sequence would be as a new dad.

Oh nice! I was pretty shocked by how emotional the ending made me. As much as I personally disagreed with Joel, it was absolutely true to his character. Such a good story.

I finished The Last of Us last night, and man, I cannot get that ending out of my head.

I didn't hate it but I recently watched Room and I thought it was incredibly overrated. Brie Larson was good, but it was really just an above-average Lifetime movie. (Also, now I'm retroactively angry that it got Oscars noms for Picture and Directing)