
Delurking for this one: the Star Wars prequels.

I kind of wish they had stretched this case out over the 2 hours tonight. The resolution was so rushed and for such an intricate murder-plot, it was unsatisfying. How does a lawyer know how to successfully rob an art gallery? Or be that good at photo manipulation? And where does she get something so huge printed

As much as I adored Nina, I'm so intrigued to see what her death means for the rest of the show. What will Oleg do when he finds out? Blame his father? (Who may or may not have helped speed her appeal denial along) Will he become disillusioned with his country, especially with this coming on the heels of his brother's

If nothing else, this episode clearly established that they are not paying Paul Blackthorne enough. That final moment destroyed me.

I'll always have a soft spot for the Kapitalist Kouriers from the 80s/90s Flash comics. They were so excited to become glorified delivery people!

This was undoubtedly the most I've enjoyed Arrow in months. Damien snarking in prison! Bee puns! Curtis being a giant dork! Robotic bees forming together to become a giant bee-man! What a much-needed, goofy, fun episode.

I want that red moto jacket so bad.

The lightsaber fight between Ahsoka and Vader was easily my favorite this show has done. That moment where she crosses her lightsabers behind her back to stop Vader's blade was awesome. I got legit chills when she broke his mask and Matt Lanter was voicing him.

I know it's probably too much to ask but PLEASE more Hartley! He has to meet Wally and they have to become best friends! Their friendship is one my favorite parts of the Wally-era Flash comics.

Oh nice! Yeah, as an arachnophobe, that deisgn is horrifying.

Yeah, not following up with Deiser was so weird that I'm going to assume they had to cut it for time or a network standards issue.

I don't know if it's necessary but that screenshot is definitely appreciated.

Was Frank's off-handed "fuck" the first one in a Marvel property? (There may have been some in JJ, but I don't remember.)

Yeah, I realize that IASIP is all about resetting the status quo but I would have really loved a full season of out and proud Mac trying to navigate that lifestyle by attempting every gay stereotype in the book.

I've only played one of those but I agree, the game play is just way more fun. I'd kill for a next gen version with new graphics.

My biggest complaint about ME3 is the squad selection. It's so small compared to ME2 and there aren't any Krogans! Plus you don't get Tali until like halfway through.

I have a soft spot for both X-Men Legends games even though the graphics are just abysmal. (Everyone has mittens!) I've played through the second one at least four times, once you can play as Deadpool, it's so much fun.

Slightly disappointed they went back on Mac being out but at least it made sense for him as a character. I hope they follow up on it next season, at least .

Super intrigued by Ahsoka's comment that she saw Anakin "before he went to save the Chancellor." Could just be a throwaway line but if it means she saw him again after she left the Order, I would kill to see that. Maybe a flashback or in one of the comic series.

Barbra Streisand's befuddlement at Eminem winning Best Song for 8 Mile still makes me laugh. And then he wasn't even there!