Chris Zimmer

Aaaaaand then after they dropped him, CMT came along a little later and started a "follow up" show called "Dawg and Beth on the Hunt." It's worse than the original show (my mom had a grudging respect for the man who managed to somehow simultaneously rock a mullet and catch Andrew Luster, as totally fucking illegal as

Off road diesel? If you had it licensed at all to drive on public roads, that was highly illegal. Alas, that's true even if you used the off-road fuel to drive it on your own private property and filled it with standard diesel when you drove on roads.

"when it rains, it pours!"

I'm glad I'm not the only one seriously thinking about this.

Sounds like a plan, but make sure to only try this at a red light, or while parked. You might be able to get away with one while driving, two is just irresponsible.

It's as sci-fi as Breaking Bad. They're both crime dramas that only tangentially involve science. Breaking Bad is just such a better show that it gets made to fit the list anyway.

You say that with so much disdain. Give it a try.

MAYBE if I lived in Miami. Maybe.

I heard if you order the car in white, grey or black, you cant specify that option.

"What's the big deal? I played the 1993 superbowl on snow."

If he's training to be a Cowboy, shouldn't he only run for a few yards before giving up and doing something less productive?

Jezebel response article in 3...2...1...

I might be able to use this to challenge my fantasy football loss, but I'll need evidence that it resulted in a score.

Damn that cat for being thin undyed cotton. Damn them straight to hell.

The surgery needs to be done as soon as possible because she is going through a lot of pain at the moment

I'm just proud of Verne for not thinking he got hit in the same spot again during the replay.

Good point. And, it may take the pipe to shake the image of Jennifer Lawrence in a chicken suit.

Its a good man who can acknowledge his mistakes.

(hangs head in shame).

Get a real job?! His job is no diferent than a tv presenter, no diferent that ign, kotaku or gametrailers guys that work there. He does what he loves and dedicates it's time for its fans!
So your coment is just stupid and childish.