Chris Zimmer

I see your Sacagewea dollar coin and raise you one Susan B Anthony dollar coin.

I’ve read that article. The subjects (35 college males from UC Bereley as Ariely’s own school’s IRB would not approve the study) were masturbating. The whole bib info of it is:

Forget 2017, tell us more and more about that 57.

It took some testing and getting into some uncomfortable positions, but here a picture of my asshole

I’m glad I’m not headed to Death Valley this weekend, ‘cuz 160 to Pahrump is exactly the way I go.

So this means T-Mobile has finally got some decent coverage west of the Mississippi that isn’t the Cali coast?

I’ve had individuals with 2 X chromosomes object to the word “woman.” I’ve also had them get pissy about the word “lady” as well. What’s a dude to do? It’s become my personal gender Kobiyashi Maru hell.

Countaches are ugly.

Damn, I miss her and brother Barack

I don’t think anything better can be said about this topic than this bit o’ wisdom:

The most important thing I learned was that I love college, but couldn’t pay tuition forever. So I got a Ph.D. and am never leaving college again.

I eat lunch at my desk. That’s when I can watch youtube undisturbed.

Yes, somebody think of the tall girls! Tall girls that are not undernourished 6 footers going 115 pounds with six figure modeling contracts, but real girls

I have so so many questions, but these two are the biggest:

but are still half of what I paid in New York state, but yeah I feel your pain. Mine went up by 5k this year despite the city tarring and chipping my street where it had been nicely paved previously.

Wait, isn’t it illegal for those tweets to be deleted? Something about them being official presidential communications? Wait, I also didn’t realize twitters servers were official White House servers. Damn, where’s the special inquiry into this?

It’s always a good feeling when you get an e85 rental car and you’re in Iowa, South Dakota, or some such other corn filled state. That sucker’s going back full of cheap, power robbing, MPG stealing e85 for the next renter.

I was expecting the bike to go down, not the car.

Come on people let’s grow up. Our parents were never this fucking stupid. Frankly it’s just embarrassing.

Wonder woman knows a good thing when she sees it. That’s why she ripped off Whataburger’s logo