Chris Zimmer

I have lived in CA, NY, and now TX. I can assure you the percentage of overweight women (and men) is far higher in my area than in those other two locales. I have not spent much time in Dallas since moving here, but again there are far more overweight people in Dallas than there are in CA and NY. They’re not Jabba the

I wish I could go 8 times a day. I’m too old for that shit anymore.

He is offering cases of beer...

That’s why you leave the engineering lab (if your schedule allows) and head over to where the social science majors hang out.

that is the case in Murfreesboro TN as well. In statistics, this would be a clear case of the normal distribution having fat tails...

I did my doctoral work at Clemson. The women there were hot.

I live in Texas. Most women here are so fat that, unless you’re into plumpers, you don’t want to see them topless. Not fat shaming, I just happen to not want to see obese women topless. I live in a college town.

It’ll run over an old lady at 55, but I can commit vehicular homicide for far far cheaper than this.

Head: What have we here? A cheap car?

It was dull, honest, perhaps even reliable transportation

I found the shittiest hotel I saw on the whole trip in Amarillo and slept another three hours there.

Why is the new thing redoing old movies with female leads? Why can’t these 8 talented actors make their own heist movie without the need to ride to coattails of another successful franchise? Oooooh, George Clooney cameo. Fuck that, let these women own their roles.

Now playing

Just leaving this bit right here: Ties? You betcha!

Head: It’s an old VW. Automatic CP.

I never had a roommate that would do such a thing However, if I ever did have one like that, I would definitely think about his future. His future in “pound me in the ass” PRISON.

As someone who met and spoke with Marsha before she moved to a republican district, I could have told you she was an idiot. I knew she was stupid way back in nineteen rickety two. See we didn’t have the word ninety back then because the soviets hadn’t given it back to us as part of glasnost yet so we said rickety...

that era chargers weren’t malaise though, but yeah, the general is also the first one I thought of too.

Mustang SVO, or is 1984 too new?

best of an otherwise lackluster bunch.

Since most high schooler kids take American history, the US spin seems justified.