Chris Zimmer

From the moment we go through the door, my kids magically have sticks in their hands. I live in Texas. There are no trees in my neighborhood. The WTF is strong in my neighborhood.

Wrong candidate dick whiz

If I have to go store bought, I’m clearly on the chicken side. Ever since I found out how to make my own stock, I roast chickens weekly all winter long and freeze the stuff. I’ll have enough stock to make it through the three other seasons.

So far, so good. Re: filling the Doug-shaped hole here at Jalopnik.

Awww man, nothing about how often the power bands break? The guys at the shop I go to keep laughing and telling me not to worry that I’ll know when they break. I just don’t want to be a hundred miles from nowhere when finally do snap.

That’s not vanilla pudding. Peter North is anti Trump.

What was it summer of 10 or 11 that was stupid hot with no rain. That was it for my neighbor. He had central air by spring. My house had air but no insulation to speak of. My basement was the warmest place in the house in the winter. My upstairs generally ran 15 degrees warmer than my downstairs in summer. After two

Yeah, what he said.

that’s what has ruined me for east of the Mississippi slopes. I learned to ride in Colorado and got used to the resorts out west before I ever tried riding back east. Even Killington seems lacking. The runs just aren’t long enough. It’s a total factor of what I got used to. If I can’t ride for at least 15 minutes

Alas, the snowboarding around Syracuse absolutely sucks ass. Great amounts of snowfall, but shitty slopes.

Or...plan ahead for soup night by doing this:

Pizza stones are so 2005. The new action is with pizza steels.

Pizza stones are so 2005. The new action is with pizza steels.


As a college professor living in a small college town, we’re well used to the zombie masses (undergrads) crossing the main thoroughfare through town glued to a device, never bothering to look up. Everyone is so polite and stops and let’s them shuffle by...even the vehicles you’d expect to be piloted by assholes


First, there’s the “everything happens for a reason” camp. “There’s a plan for you,” that general line of bullshit.

yup. That’d do it. All my daughter ever had was princesses, princesses, and more princesses being saved by men. Nothing appropriate for a 5-7 year old where the lead female kicks ass when she was in the 5-7 bracket.

Coolest dad...EVAR!

In my day, there were no brick separators. We just used our teeth. And we liked it.