Chris Zimmer

I don’t think the mouth breather can read your comment.

Mostly Maui wowwie, but it’s got some labrador in it. My dog ate my stash and I had to follow the motherfucker around with a baggie for three days to get it back.

Owning the Pilot chain, Haslam would have the best meth this side of Walter White’s

I’ve left stuff in a toilet that would be better to party with than Jerry Richardson. Fuck that guy. Fuck him hard with Trump’s little pencil dick.

Snyder’s still ranked too high.

“Malik and the president have a relationship that’s strained at best. The two last saw each other during President Obama’s visit to Kenya in 2015.”

Amy, it is obvious you have no will to win, so PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SELL TO SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO FIELD A WINNING TEAM.

I found that out the other day too. My kid’s friend at school’s dad works for BNSF. I asked him about it and he said, “The engineering crew is what makes the train belong to a railroad.” BNSF guys driving nothing but UP engines? BNSF train. My business school training says BNSF guys driving UP engines is bad branding,

I’d fly a Ralph Stanley sticker.  

Panhandle checking in. All we have up here is “Hillary for Prison ‘16" paraphernalia. Yard signs, bumper stickers, T-shirts. You want to show support for jailing your political enemies? We’ve got your hook up.

I can also see that. The thought of the entire nation collectively calling Trumplestiltskin a LOSER with the hand sign for “L” on its forehead also brings me great delight.

One of the reasons I miss living in NY. I didn’t have to worry about that. Now that I reside in Texas (not Austin), I keep my damn mouth shut, and bumper stickers off my car for fear of the exact same thing of which you speak. Though getting my car keyed is more likely than getting shot at. Intimidated by a jackass

What about those of us who live in a solidly Trumplestiltskin state and will vote Trump in the hopes that he wins the popular vote and loses the electoral one? Kind of a reverse 2000. I want to see Texas lose it goddamn mind in that situation. Is that wrong of me?

I say add Connecticut. All that TV money can pay for the massive travel expenses that is going to cause—across multiple sports, not just football.

sorry, Rylo Ken is the least scariest bad guy after having seen his O-face with Lena Dunham in Girls. He’s totally ruined for me.

Asafoetida is potent stuff. I made the plastic bag mistake. I even double bagged it and my garage still reeked.

Not in payroll.

Maybe? Ha! Definitely. Those people in Philly steal anything that isn’t bolted down, and burn anything that is.