Chris Zimmer

really? would not have though that was the case.

C’mon Anderson, you should have had the tape cued up and when Trumplestiltskin says, “No, I did not say that” you hit the damn PLAY button.

tell us how you really feel.

well SNL did a pretty good example of it in their cold open the other week. The eye twinkle and comment of “Can the election be right now?” pretty much sums it all up.

it’ll happen. Not until the first wednesday after the first tuesday after the first monday in November though.

except in Utah it is well known that Hillary has the number 666 right there behind her right ear. Trump still very begrudgingly carries Utah.

I did not know that, and the first brand new car my dad ever bought was a pacer.

If the answer isn’t Miata, it sure as hell is LS swap.

If you’re white with money, we’ll let you in. No poors allowed.

It’s not the right Leia unless it’s the gold bikini Leia. Give us squirrels a nut.

I, too, punched above my weight class. I 100% agree with this statement.

If the rust is as bad as seller claims, would it pass safety at LeMons? Not being snarky, honestly don’t know. The LeMons episode of Roadkill made it look like they wouldn’t allow something with structural damage on the track.

I was all in on the BRZ until I saw the mister 2 and thought, “V6 engine swap.” Thanks for making this a tough one for me.

damn, the man has good taste in fries.

11. Follow at an appropriate distance. The only time you should be “up someone’s ass” is in the bedroom.

Which is why I loved it when that third brake light came on the scene, while all my buddies bitched about it. My high school years were filled with comments like, “Dude, you can see through the car and see if it is braking ALL AT THE SAME TIME.” Alas, many of these dudes realized that and took it as license to follow

I’ve driven in every state (except Alaska) and most of the Canadian provinces that have people in them. It’s endemic to every damn one of them, and not limited to LeSabres. Damn folks, use that pedal on the right.

Just when I can’t think Faux News can’t get any more (pick a term) fucking stupid

The want is strong. A bit high, but my dick hasn’t been this hard in quite awhile. But another 5-7k into it and I’ll have something that’ll give me those problematic erections that last longer than 4 hours and need immediate medical attention. This is no flipper or investment bronco, this is the base for one of the