Chris Zimmer

It will also be her margin of victory

I hope bill got a reach around while trump was fucking him in the ass. Jesus Christ on a bicycle.

I’m with you, Hooneriphic

Those of us who live where it is free to drive on the interstates (just as God intended). No pinko commie tolls for us comrade. When I do visit the people’s republic of the Northeast, it sucks being EZ-Passless though.

Ahhhh shit. Next set of mustang memes will be towing back weighted trailers peeling out of cars & coffee.

just posted a similar picture. Should have scrolled down. I love the old school michigan trooper lights.

Thank goodness Michigan will insist on the red single bubble on top of their troopers. Wonderfully old school.

it’ll take the full “Help me Obi Wan” for me to move to one of these gizmos too.

I just fulfilled one of the most important duties a parent has a about two weeks ago: I introduced my two boys the The Princess Bride. They now know that whenever they have to wear a name tag to put Inigo Montoya on it, and they now understand that’s why daddy doesn’t put his real name on name tags.

That’s one of the reasons I left upstate NY as well. I got taxed the hell out of there. I took it to the extreme and went to Texas. The differences in taxes was like getting damn near a 15% raise. That’s not even including the fact that everything here (aside from milk and water) costs less than it does back in NY as

I took away the shitty investor part, but then again with a Ph.D. in business, I already knew the info in your well written response.

Just a scratch. It’ll buff out. I’m driving her home.

TRUTH!! Hank Jr. Is the worst kind of shit that falls out if a diseased ass.

I know the auto industry is all “quick show it off before the paint is even dry” but this is an engine that can potentially bring quite an advantage to Infiniti. Why flaunt it so early? Wait until you’re closer to the 2018 model year. Catch the rest of ‘em with their pants down. Now you’ve tipped your hand and all the

I teach graduate students. Alas, they write about as well as Drumpf. It’s like they’ve forgotten everything you earlier teachers ever taught them. It makes me so sad to know you secondary teachers bust your butts to impart some skills into your students, and then they go and give us college professors stuff that make

She’s better than trump, which admittedly is an extremely low bar to clear. She got lucky running against the only person who is more despicable than she is.

saved for future use.

please do not feed the trolls.

It’s not NSFW, it’s that blurred genitalia stuff from Japan. I can’t fap to that.

I also like getting rick rolled. catchy little tune. never understood all the never goona give you up hate.