Chris Zimmer

How is a Belushi-less Blues Brothers off the chart gay? I didn’t see that show, but on the surface I would put it much further to the left. Like in Tom Pettyville

For a whole bird, roasted is better. Broiled concentrates the heat on the exterior and the center doesn’t get cooked through before the outside is turned to ash.

Anything on TV I miss. I haven’t had cable since 2002. The only time my TV isn’t streaming Netflix or Amazon is when the summer olympics are on.

Hellz yeah. Don’t listen to these haters. Best looking Honda since the 83-85 Accord hatchbacks.

I’m with you. I’d own one if it had a bigger back seat. Something about it makes me think 83-85 accord hatchback in a good way.

I’m trying that next time instead of viagra.

because Brady leaves the press conference and then gets to stick his dick in a supermodel. Banging someone that hot calms the nerves and keeps you mellow.

Don’t think I didn’t check one out. Thank goodness my wife has an extremely level head.

That’s funny until you hear someone state that sentiment and they honestly believe it. Then it is just sad. It’s even sadder when they are educated. Saddest of all is when their educational endeavors culminated in the earning of the MD degree.

Maybe he does, but he’s certainly counting on his fans NOT TO KNOW. Then that gives him another boogeyman to bitch about and for his followers to hate when stop and frisk doesn’t happen. Like most pieces of shit, he’s a master manipulator, and by piece of shit, I mean sociopath.

Anything other than a Focus ST in that price range means he’s leaving fun on the table. If he can wait, he can hold out for an RS to fall into his price range.

Hardest working man I haven’t heard anything from since “The Man Show” in other words.

One 350GTR please. I’ll leave the rest for someone else whose taste isn’t quite as refined as mine.

I use Apple Jack when I’m baking apple pie.

and all of them are voting Trump. SMDH

Quick! To SoCal for a Matt Farrah One Take please!

Clinton is my favorite foundation. So sue me, but someone had to do it.

Clinton is my favorite foundation. So sue me, but someone had to do it.

by NOT taking a side, by default you are allowing the bigots to carry on with their own particular brand of shit.

fuck both these idiot douchebags and the horses they rode in on

I’ve purchased many many vehicles over the years. The only pleasant experience I ever had was this past summer when I bought a new Subaru 6 hours away in another state (my local Subie dealer was blech). Yup, I’ve drunk the Subie Kool-Aid.