Chris Zimmer

so much yes, after having spent a week in the back of a CX-5. Never had the displeasure of being in the back of an Escape, but just looking back there I can see the rear seat room is laughable.

that is exactly what I did. Chevy has a winning formula (second biggest seller), so I’m betting they simply tweaked that winning formula. Don’t fix what ain’t broke and all that.

ahhhh, my wife and I chose kids over dogs. Our two boys (ages 7 and 8) need more space than a greyhound. Genetics is playing a role. I’m 6'6" and she is 6'0". But despite us being freakishly tall, it still is sorely lacking in luggage capacity.

current model year. I’m just extrapolating that the new version will have the same lack of space.

No fridge for my Grey Poupon? Pish posh. I’m also not seeing a purpose built monocle holder. This is for the unwashed masses that I piss upon.

The wife’s Tuscon has far more interior space. I’ve rented both, and had a much easier time getting all the junk for a trip to grandma’s into the Tuscon.

I rented one of these this past summer. Avis had the audacity to call it a mid-sized SUV despite it having far less leg and cargo room than the small sized Hyundai SUV I rented previously.

Cheap commie cars. Some real ‘Murican iron wouldn’t even get scratched.

giving editorial oversight for both magazines to one person? Isn’t Cosmo all about learning to like blowing dudes? Never too young to learn to suck a dick? Sheesh, two publications aimed at women, yet covered in body shaming copy. SMDH. I can’t take it.

Now playing

not a gif, but the next best thing @37 seconds if the jump doesn’t work

He’s really killing on DWTS.

Neutral: Biggest challenge facing autonomous adoption?

but he talks like he’s from Kentucky.

sure does, you just have to want it bad enough.

Oh fuck the hell YEAH!!!

Son of a bit*h!

1.89 and falling here in the Texas panhandle. Suck it SEC country.

The one with absolutely zero options: Shoulder (or stripper) bolt

I guess I’m too old to have really enjoyed Dazed and Confused. I get it, but I’d vastly prefer to watch “Up in Smoke” or “Next movie” to get my stoner fix.

If nothing else, he certainly birthed the grunge uniform. I’d never noticed that until you said it.