Chris Zimmer

ridiculous? More like ridiculously AWESOME! I'd take a 35 hundred dollar chance on it provided it hasn't been visited by the rust fairy.

Also great for showing off that growing baby bump. Accessorizes well with daddy's shotgun.

but isn't Coulson dead? I gave up on Agents after episode 2, but I plan to binge watch them this summer. I just didn't care enough to watch them week after week, but I'd totally give Agents another go if I can veg out with it for a day.

Erin's a great childhood crush. I fell for that jumpsuit too back in the day.

I'd just assumed she was younger since I also assumed Ferris was skipping at the end of his senior year. The comment about Cameron marrying the first chick that lays him. I'd just assumed Ferris and company were seniors.

4th gear: If Buick would put out cars like in that picture, it would be on my radar to at least look at them.

Sorry seller, but 7500 for this is total crack-o-licious. The juiced up giants fanboi car from a couple days ago was 1500 bucks less than this.

that is Erin Gray. The Grey of which Graverobber speaks is Baby from Dirty Dancing or Ferris Beuller's jealous little sister. She also appeared in an early episode of Friends post nose job and was completely unrecognizable.

Winning based on other's opinions is not a sport. I'm looking at you trick snowboarding, diving, and gymnastics.

agreed. Another commenter posted just the bikini segment. Worth a watch.

thanks for the accurate timestamp.

$2,000,000 for a burned out ferrari? CP.

the full vid is better...there's this 30 seconds of the hostess washing the batmobile in a bikini.

maybe a bit more than a bit. I'd offer 5k and part with 6k tops if everything checks out as nicely as it looks in those pix.

of course if Kinja would have actually showed where I clicked in the picture, this would make much more sense.

Didn't these doors resurface in the Aston CC100?

that belongs to the sumbitch that fucked my wife. Don't fuck my wife or I'll fuck your car.

It's next to impossible to fingerprint and question a charcoal briquet, so Bullitt had to do some more cop work before eventually bringing down the top baddy in the passenger terminal at SFO. That airport just so happens to be about in the middle between Candlestick Park, where the San Francisco Giants used to play,

beautiful and will run forever. Damn, what a glorious combo.

I was fondly remembering the Datsun (by Nissan) 810 (maxima) halcyon days of old. I'm still saddened by the dropping of the maxima wagon back in 88 when they went to the 4DSC motif.