Chris Zimmer

the very first maximas were RWD, they changed that to FWD back in the mid-80's though.

the mathematical principle of convergence explains this. It's the same thing that every introductory statistics student comes up with when they say something like, "but how can the area under the normal curve sum to 1 if those lines never really touch the x-axis?" Simple explanation: there comes a point when despite

not the popular sentiment here today, but something told me to NP this despite my CPing yesterday's offering. I think there's so much wrong with this one, it wraps all the way around to right.

So I pay my 90 dollars, but it says it is a non-grand prize entry fee. So does that mean I'm paying 90 bucks to rally quickly, and even if i get there first (which I won't) but if I did, I don't get dick? hmmmmm. this guy sounds better and better with every passing second.

I live in Syracuse. What is this "ill-prepared for snow" thing of which you speak? A foot of snow last night? No problem, roads are good to go by 7:30am. It's snowing right now and I bet the plow has come by my house 3 times today.

If it hadn't been beheaded, I would have given this a NP. I still have an extreme prejudice against all those lowered and beheaded minitrucks the rednecks where I lived had boners about back in 1988.

I think we're all pretty much against female circumcision here, right? I think labioplasty is in that same vein. That vein being "shit that shouldn't happen."

but I live in NY and LeMons is in CA. I wouldn't want to suffer the ignominy of driving this thing there.

I own a minivan. My dad gave it to me. It is all sorts of awesome. I wish my seats were as cool as the stow-n-go ones. I'd buy a Chrysler over a Toyota simply to get the stow-n-go seats. I had those things in a rental one time and they are all that they are cracked up to be.

I wish some manufacturer had the stones to make their electric cars sound like George Jetson's flying car. Pump that sound out there and see folks smile.

Saw the top picture, scrolled to the bottom. Clicked CP. Then I noticed the price. Not regretting that CP decision. Not sure you can price this into the "what the hell, I'll NP it" category.

I still miss the good ol' Honda CRX HF. Better mileage than a Prius with none of the pretentiousness.

and 10k cheaper than what you're getting for that caddy as well so you can afford to buy it gas for a month.

Me? No. My dad? Well he did buy a brand new AMC Pacer back in the 70's. I'll just let that sink in for a moment.

Renting one and checking "yes" on the insurance box is as close to no strings attached as you can get.

yup, the lowest maintenance color car I ever had was white. Of course when I had that white car I didn't live in snow & slush country. I might sing a different tune now...

Neutral: I sure would rent that Qoros 3. In a red hot second. It looks every bit as nice as the other econoboxes I have rented in the past, and looks to be quite a step up from the Yaris I was stuck with that time for a week.

you are correct, sir.

Don't like the steering wheel, but otherwise NP all freakin' day long

I hear truck nutz make your vehicle look BADASS.