Chris Zimmer

I hope you live in a state where they don't require front plates. I no longer do, and the front of my car looks like crap..and I drive a sienna. I shudder at the thought of defiling a good looking car.

So it wasn't just me...when I drove it from SC to NY I barely cracked 40mpg in the thing. Aside from the brief blast into the 80's (PA ain't nothing but road construction and I wanted to get by one more car before 20+ miles of single lane interstate) I kept my foot out of it.

I thought South Dakota was Wall Drug.

BoA is a California company that when purchased by Nation's Bank kept the BoA name and jettisoned Nation's. I don't think of them as NC at all whatsoever.

the last speeding ticket I received was in a prius—81 in a 55. I had to drive one to realize that priuses suck.

this is great. My wife uses my account. Now I can add her and get those veggie cookbook out of my cart! She can clutter up her own cart (instead of using the wishlist function, like good people do).

too late, I went to craigslist, and you're right.

I haven't read the article yet aside from Vanagon & 20 large...instant crack pipe unless there's a hidden box full of Spanish doubloons under the driver's seat.

You can add content. I think that's the point is to have users add content.

I've driven 40 hours nonstop in a 2008 Chrysler Pacifica. I was in Walla Walla, WA thinking it was Tuesday. It was actually Wednesday and I had a job interview Friday morning in Toronto Canada. Drove straight through. Got to Toronto at 11:00PM Thursday night. Made the interview at 8:00AM Friday morning and got the

windscreen looks a little odd, but overall I'd happily drive one.

darn you beating me to the Mother, Juggs, & Speed reference...

If Mother, Juggs, and Speed wouldn't drive it, I won't either. CP from me. You whippersnappers might want to look up M, J, & S.

the VW diesel is pretty much bulletproof. Too bad the rest of the stuff bolted to the engine isn't.

Sentra over a 3? Despite Mazda uglying up the 3 a couple years ago, damn that's a toughie. I'd guess if a sentra came in at about 10k, with all the bells and whistles (less the stupid CVT) I'd take it over a 3.

I'm as big a wagon fan as most around here, but this is a classic case of "I don't have the money to do it right and this is costing more than I thought it would, so I'll sell it and let someone else suffer my mistakes."

beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For an 80's car, I think it looks quite nice. Even back when this car was new, I thought it was pretty cool looking.

the best car to do the deed in? whatever car I happen to be driving. I don't have that much game so I have to be ready in whatever I'm driving when opportunity strikes.

The interior? Pure 80's glory, and folks said only a DeLorean can be a time machine :). I also worried about the touch screen, but for 3k? Can't beat that price with a stick. As for the nose heavy handling, not everything can be perfect. Besides from that era Buick wasn't a canyon carving brand anyway. Every car is a

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